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“Illuminazi Bilderberg West Bohemian Grove identifies the core of the criminal cabal that orchestrates the evils of the world. It needs to be viewed, reviewed,and reviewed once again. Its the best single expose of the Luciferian Elite in existence on film.” Anthony J HIlder Anthony Hilder with Robert Hammond cooperate …

The continued putting our noses where it doesn’t belong in the world and open attacks against other countries have set us on this course.  Now, The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) published several satellite images showing what is believed to be China-linked surveillance systems and Chinese military bases. News …

We have witnessed the White House tell us to our collective faces that they conspired with Big Tech companies to censor free speech, which they call ‘disinformation’ or ‘misinformation’.  Now, we are seeing that the United Nations is starting to push that agenda, as well.  This should come as no …

Several United States military bases across Europe were put on a heightened state of alert over the weekend. According to news reports, this was due to concerns that a potential terrorist attack could target U.S. personnel or facilities. According to CNN who spoke to a U.S. official on Sunday, who is stationed at …

I recently provided several videos in which farmers and ranchers are warning the American people of the attacks being made on them by the government.  Additionally, we’ve covered how our government is attempting to hide certain food from us, as well as targeting the beef industry.  In the end, this …

Dr. John McDougall was a noted plant-based holistic doctor, who invented the high-starch vegan diet.  He excitedly talked about he and his wife, Mary, getting the COVID shots so they would be able to see their grandchildren.  He won’t see them again here on earth because he died suddenly.  He …

oscow claims to have proof that the United States is expanding its biological weapons research on the African continent. The head of Russia’s Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Forces, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, claimed on Tuesday that this expansion comes after Russia halted the implementation of similar programs in former …

Editor’s Note:  This is more fear propaganda to prepare people to believe this is all occurring naturally, but it’s not.  It’s purposeful.  Remember, the “K” in Monkeypox is silent. A deadly new strain of monkeypox that is “killing children and causing miscarriages” is causing a tremendous amount of fear among global health …