Author Archive
Gordan Runyan

Geneva Bible: Obey God, Resist Tyrants
Search online for the definition of tyranny and you’ll have pages of dictionary entries in an instant. Words like “oppressive,” “cruel,” and “unfair” will be littered throughout those definitions. However, another word, one that might surprise us, is also prominent there. That word is “arbitrary.” A tyrannical rule is not …

QAnon Exposed As A False Religion
Find a way to remember this time. It’s historically unusual. In the span of five short years, we’ve witnessed the beginning of a brand new religious movement, its meteoric rise to national prominence, and its abrupt flame-out. Of course, I’m talking about the conspiracy theory called QAnon. Despite some protest …

Seven Reasons To Reject A Slavish View Of Romans 13:1-7
With each day, it becomes more apparent that it’s past time for Christians to get some clarity on the relationship between civil government and Christianity. Are we supposed to just shut up and do what we’re told? Is it ever right to take an actual stand against tyranny? It doesn’t …

Love Of Neighbor Has A Context Statists Ignore On Purpose
Dad delights the family by bringing home a new board game. Excitement grows as it’s unwrapped. There’s a stack of special cards, some dice, and a strangely decorated spinner wheel. The board is unfolded and Dad puts pieces on some of the spaces. “But, Dad,” says one observant child, “We …