Author Archive
Tim Brown

Why is the FBI Merging Criminal & Civil Fingerprints into a Single Database?
Talk about 1984. While employers and others have been fingerprinting people for decades, even though they weren’t criminals, the Federal Bureau of Investigations apparently weren’t interested in that particular data. Now they are, and I’m pretty sure, it’s unconstitutional. Jennifer Lynch at the Electronic Frontier Foundation reports: Being a job …

Muslim Pilgrimage near Mecca Results in Stampede – At Least 700 Killed, 800 Injured
In another incredible event, 700 people died in a stampede in a Muslim pilgrim city near Mecca in Saudi Arabia on Thursday. Over 800 were injured. The New York Times reports: At least 717 people were killed and 863 injured in a stampede near Mecca, Saudi Arabia, on Thursday morning. …

Concealed Carry Gun Owner Shoots Bank Robber – Flamethrower-Banning Mayor Says, “It’s His Second Amendment Rights… but we don’t want Vigilante Justice”
A bank robber in Michigan was shot three times by a gun owner with a concealed carry permit, but the reaction of the mayor seems to be trying to walk a politically correct line. On Monday, Ruben Kendrick, 63, came face to face with bank robber Henry Mann, 43, who …

Unbelievable! When a Father Picks Up His Daughter from School Because a Boy Put Super Glue in Her Hair, A Cop Threatens Him with This
Hannah Combs, 15, is like a lot of young girls in America. However, in a recent act of what can only be seen as an assault, a boy at her Texas school spread super glue in her hair, causing her to suffer first degree burns and forcing her to shave … Looks to Normalize Pedophilia recently posted an article on their website titled, “I’m a pedophile, but not a monster.” It included the byline “I’m attracted to children but unwilling to act on it. Before judging me harshly, would you be willing to listen?” Todd Nickerson is the author and yes, he honestly and …

NJ Prosecutors Confiscate All 21 Guns from Man because He Owned Grandfather’s WWII M1
In an incredibly unconstitutional and downright unlawful action by a New Jersey court, a man who had possession of his grandfather’s World War II M1 Carbine rifle because it is considered an illegal assault weapon. reports: The New Jersey State Police seized Danny Burt’s M1 carbine and 20 other …
Ted Cruz: Excluding Muslims from Presidency is Unconstitutional
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), in responding to the comments concerning Ben Carson with regards to him not supporting a Muslim for president, claims that it is unconstitutional to exclude a Muslim from the presidency. “You know, the Constitution specifies there shall be no religious test for public office and I …

Slain US Marine to Father: We Heard Afghan Officers Raping Little Boys & We Weren’t allowed to do Anything
Lance Cpl. Gregory Buckley Jr. was fatally shot in 2012. He was a United States Marine. However, before he was killed, he told his father that at night, he and his fellow soldiers had to sit and listen to little boys scream from being raped by Afghan officers… and under Barack …

Ahmed’s Fake Invention, a Sharia Tribunal, anti-Sharia Laws and Obama’s Former Homeland Security Advisor in Texas – Something Smells Fishy
There are a few things that we should keep in mind about Ahmed Mohamed and the clock he alleges to have “built.” Among the first things we need to know is that he did not build an actual clock. In a recent video that was posted shortly after the story …

For Those Who Refer to Biblical Law as Nothing More Than Sharia Law, Here’s Your Sign
“There is no liberty without law (Lev. 25:10), and God’s law is the perfect law of liberty (James 1:25).” -Tim Brown Comedian Bill Engvall‘s famous line for people that say stupid things is “Here’s your sign.” Well, there are some seriously stupid things people say when you bring up Biblical …