Author Archive
Tim Brown

The One Issue Not Discussed in the FOX GOP Debate
Out of all the issues in the FOX GOP Debate (Can we even call it a debate? They have one minute for goodness’ sake) this week, there were a couple of Constitutional issues that came up. Rand Paul and Chris Christie got into it over the Fourth Amendment. Other candidates …

FOX News is One of Top 10 Largest Donors to the Clintons
Christians and conservatives continue to be hoodwinked by FOX News. Not only has the organization been supporting the sodomite agenda, but they have also been one of the top ten donors to the Clinton Family since 1992. Michael Lotfi reported: To many, it seems contrary to intuition that Fox News …

Community Gathers at Veterans Home to Stop Feds from Confiscating His Guns
This is what “We the People” is supposed to be about. A US Veteran received a letter from the Obama Veterans Affairs informing him that they would be coming to confiscate his guns. However, when dozens of the people around him heard about it, they showed up on his lawn …

We Don’t Need More Laws – We Need Good Men that will Do what They Say They’re Gonna Do
Sons of Liberty Radio show host Bradlee Dean is no stranger to controversy because of his stand for the truth. On Monday, Dean told his audience that America didn’t need any more laws, but rather desperately needed men to obey the law and do exactly what they promised to do. …
Obama Violates Judge’s Order into Extortion 17 Probe on 4th Anniversary of Shoot Down – We Just Want to Know the Name of This Man
August 6, 2011 will forever burn in the memory of the families who lost loved ones aboard Extortion 17. Extortion 17 was shot down with 30 American military personnel, including almost two dozen Navy SEALS, by Taliban jihadists in Afghanistan. However, it is all the evidence that points to a …

Navy Confirms it will Not Charge Sailor Who Defended Others with His Gun from Chattanooga Jihadist
On Saturday, I reported that Lt. Commander Timothy White was in the crosshairs of the US Navy for “illegally discharging” his gun on federal property as he attempted to save lives during the Islamic jihad that was waged in Chattanooga by Mohammad Abdulazeez. Now, it’s being reported that the Navy …

What Washington Won’t Do, New Hampshire Executive Council Does – Defund Planned Parenthood
While Washington bureaucrats will not stand for the unborn and defund “health organizations” who are involved in murder, such as Planned Parenthood, several states are taking their own initiative and defunding Planned Parenthood. New Hampshire is one of them. LifeNews reports: New Hampshire has become the second state to cancel …

Black Suspect Arrested After Fake Hate Message Discovered Outside Predominantly Black Churches
Isn’t it amazing how the sodomites and the Muslims have engaged in fake hate crimes? Well it isn’t just among those who choose their perversion of sexual behavior or their demonic tenants anymore. No, now we’re seeing more faked crimes by those who want to play the victim and the …

Here are the Senators with the Blood of the Innocent on Their Hands
OK, this is where the rubber meets the road. If anyone was on the fence about what abortion is, which is murder of the most innocent among us, the previous videos exposing the Nazi-like selling of baby parts of murdered children should have awoken the consciences of the depraved around …
IRS Chief: We Will Let Christian Colleges Know If We Will Revoke Their Tax Exempt Status Over Their Views on Marriage
OK, the very things that Christians warned of concerning the illegal and unconstitutional ruling regarding sodomy-based “marriage” is coming to pass. Sadly, it seems the even those who oppose such perversion are falling prey to the propaganda. Senator Mike Lee(R-UT) asked Internal Revenue Commissioner John Koskinen if he would pledge …