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“Government officials would be infringing on religious freedom if they were to restrict serving migrants” Once the Supreme Court began to belatedly protect the First Amendment, some lefties began to get the clever idea to rebrand their particular horrible things as their religious practice. The Satanic Temple which, unlike the Church …

Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach announced a lawsuit against Pfizer for misleading the public concerning the safety of their alleged COVID shots, which they fraudulently referred to as “vaccines.” Take a listen to the announcement. Buy All-American! Bring health and vitality back to your body with these non-transdermal patches Get …

In this episode, Evan Mulch from The John Birch Society joins me to talk about the continued push in South Carolina by Governor Henry McMaster for a Health Czar. In fact, according to the bill, an unelected bureaucrat would be able to dictate statewide health initiatives and mandates for everyone, …

It’s incredible what these people continue to peddle to those who didn’t figure out what was going on last time under the CONvid-1984.  Now, those same people will be falling for the bird flu narrative and run to take their poisonous injections, unless voices are not silenced and warn them.  …

It’s amazing the things that man invents.  Equally amazing is how evil men will use those inventions to take advantage of their fellow man, steal from him, enslave him and even kill him.  Yet, we are seeing a terrible technocracy being constructed right before our very eyes for our enslavement.  …

This year represents a major milestone for a technology company that has grown by leaps and bounds and shown tremendous integrity even when it was defrauded of millions of dollars early on through credit card scammers by allowing those who began their own businesses with this company to keep their …

It would seem at first glance to be a case right out of Merrick Garland’s fondest dreams: a good ol’ boy from Bowling Green, Ky., gets mixed up with a bad crowd and ends up getting “radicalized,” joining a terror group, and plotting all manner of mayhem. After all, the …

“Take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties.” — James Madison James Madison, often referred to as the “Father of the Constitution,” once predicted that the Bill of Rights would become mere “parchment barrier,” words on paper ignored by successive generations of Americans. How right he was. Although Madison …

“How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the Gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!” -Romans 10:15 For years, the Sons of Liberty and Bradlee Dean have been broadcasting into cities all over the country (160 Affiliates and 53 countries) through Genesis Communication Network.  This …

A Russian submarine and a Russian frigate that are both capable of nuking U.S. cities were both spotted traveling approximately 25 miles from the coast of Florida, but most of the U.S. population did not receive the message that the Russians were trying to send.  By sending these warships along …