Mom Of 3 “Dies Suddenly” At 39 – The COVID Shot Again?
You can bet it is from the experimental COVID shots, guaranteed! The reason I write that is due to the mandates issued by the government and her work would have definitely demanded she take the shot. This mother of an 11-year-old son and nine-year-old twin girls has died suddenly and an outpouring of tributes have followed her untimely death in Wigan.
Wigan Today reports:
Bernie Burgess died suddenly at her home on May 29, leaving behind a 11-year-old son and twin girls, both aged nine.
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Bernie worked for many years at her local pub, the Springfield.
The Springfield’s former landlady, Wendy Hart, said she was “devastated” by Bernie’s death.

Hotel. She also ran her own cleaning business.
Wendy said: “She was loved by everyone who knew her, she was beautiful inside and out. It’s a very sad loss to everybody.
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“She was very much part of the family at the Springfield. I cried for a week, and so did everyone who knew her.
“I loved her like she was my own family. Devastated doesn’t even come close to what people are feeling at the moment.”

Wendy’s husband Steve, who until recently was the licensee at the Springfield, added: “Bernie was a great girl, she got on well with everyone. She was very fashionable and had loads and loads of friends. She enjoyed enjoying herself.”The funeral service took place on Monday June 19 at St Mark’s Church, Victoria Street, Newtown, with Bernie being laid to rest at Ince crematorium.
Following this, a celebration of her life took place at “the Springy” for people to share precious memories of Bernie. Everyone who attended was dressed in traditional black and white with a small green accessory or bow for ladies, and a green tie for men.
In addition, a fundraising day is due to take place at the same pub on Saturday, July 1, to help provide long-term financial support for Bernie’s three children.
Some fundraising activities have already taken place, such as a sponsored walk from Southport to Wigan over the weekend, and a fundraising page called “Bernie’s goodbye” was also set up to help with funeral costs.
A post by the organiser read: “Not only has the world lost a diamond but her three babies have lost their world. Bernie meant the absolute world to her mum, dad, brothers, cousins and nothing will ever ever ease the pain but to take some pressure off organising the funeral and supporting her three babies at this awful time, this page has been set up.”
Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media