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Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders didn’t just win the New Hampshire primary this week. He won it by a massive margin, winning in every demographic category including women. But believe it or not, Hillary Clinton actually won the most delegates.

Perhaps now we know what was behind the timing of the most recent scandal for Bernie Sanders – concerning improper access to a Democratic database by members of staff. Ahead of the Democratic debates coming up this Saturday, it seems that Sen. Sanders is now planning to take Hillary to …

Presidential candidate and Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) was on the stump Wednesday, encouraging Americans to support his campaign. One of the main points of his speech was the idea that the spread of socialism in American politics is the gravest threat our nation faces. Paul explained that “Democratic” Socialism is …

Hillary Clinton continues her stunning fall from grace, as the former First Lady and Secretary of State just can’t seem to stem the bleeding that surrounds her corrupt campaign. Each new day sees more disaffected voters abandoning her and moving into one of two other camps – that of socialist …

Round two of the Republican Presidential Debate is just around the corner. And guess what? The field of competitors on both sides has changed—with one exception. Donald Trump remains in the distant lead. So here’s the big question: is 2016 going to be truly historic because of who voters are …

Al Gore, the global warming, climate change charlatan, “inventor of the internet” and hypocrite is now considering throwing his hat into the ring for the White House in 2016. And we thought it was bad with the field of constitutionally ineligible, constitutionally ignorant and Marxists that are being put up …