Posts Tagged
common core
The Religion of Eugenics: Agenda 21 and Common Core Are Merely Death Cults in Disguise
The religion of eugenics has been around for a long, long time. For those of you who need to get up to speed on this issue, here is a brief explanation. Basically, eugenics is an elitist movement, rooted in the late 1800’s, to selectively “breed out” undesirable traits in the …
Chinese Immigrant Mother: Common Core is Same Communist Core I Saw in China
This is yet more evidence for the reason to remove your kids from the public indoctrination centers called public school and demand that your representatives abolish the federal Department of Education. A Chinese immigrant mother of three testified before the Colorado State Board of Education that what is being passed …
Deleting American History: Under New Standards, “U.S. Constitution Simply Ignored by Teachers”
“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history. […] He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” – George Orwell, 1984 Common Core and similar corporate-driven efforts to alter education are starting …
Education: One Area You Can Take Back Liberty Without Washington’s Help
Many of us recognize that we are losing our liberties in America. However, many of us don’t understand why. We naively think it only has to do with those currently in power in the federal government. While many are responsible for continuing that process, the real issue is we have …