Posts Tagged

publius huldah

A devilish plot is afoot to impose new national taxes on the American People. It is a masterful piece of trickery because the authorization for the new national taxes is buried within Compact for America’s version of a balanced budget amendment to the US Constitution. Furthermore, the balanced budget amendment …

At the common law, Husband and wife were “one” and The Man was The One. The legal name of this concept is “coverture”. Married women weren’t separate legal entities in their own right. Their legal identity was subsumed under their Husband’s. Married women weren’t “citizens” in their own right. Vattel and …

This is an encouraging paper, because it explains the moral and constitutional justifications to stop the Islamization of our country. We face a grave threat – the Muslims are infiltrating our country and taking over. We seem powerless to resist: Our governments won’t acknowledge the threat; we are told Muslims …

Think NOT that you must have a law degree to understand the Constitution of the United States; or that the lawyers, law professors and black robed judges are the ones who understand it best. They are the ones who perverted it. To restore constitutional government, We the People must learn …

1. “Judicial Power” refers to a court’s power to hear and decide cases. Art. III §2, U.S. Constitution, lists the cases which federal courts are permitted to hear. They may hear only cases: a) Arising under the Constitution, or the Laws of the United States, or Treaties made under the …

Our own Ignorance is destroying us. Mark Twain wrote in his autobiography: “In religion and politics people’s beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second-hand, and without examination, from authorities who have not themselves examined the questions at issue but have taken them at second-hand from other … posted an article in October of 2009, “Hoyer Says Constitution’s ‘General Welfare’ Clause Empowers Congress to Order Americans to Buy Health Insurance”.  In the article, Steny Hoyer (Democrat House Majority Leader) said Congress has “broad authority” to force Americans to purchase health insurance, so long as it was trying …

1. We already have term limits for U.S. Representatives & Senators – just vote them out of office.  But we keep re-electing the same people!  So, the people in the term limits movement seek to impose term limits by amending the Constitution to impose them.  And somehow, this is supposed …

1. What can a State – or several States – do to resist encroachments & usurpations by the federal government? 2.  Federalist No. 46  (7th para) discusses how individual States or several States carry out resistance to the federal government’s unconstitutional encroachments. If a particular State takes an action which …

Our Constitution is under constant attack.1   One of the most pernicious attacks is being waged by those who seek to override the constitutional provisions under which The States, as political entities, elect the President; and to replace it with a national popular vote (NPV) under which inhabitants of major metropolitan …