Posts Tagged

refugee crisis

France’s presidential frontrunner, Marine Le Pen of the anti-Islam Front National party and champion of protecting Christianity in France, slams the EU for creating a trumped-up Syrian refugee crisis, which is NOT Syrian and NOT refugee-centered, but rather a sinister move by EU elites to “brown” the continent (white genocide) …

The weight of the Syrian migrant crisis, flooding Europe in recent weeks, has been testing its humanitarian limits. With more than one million refugees believed to be headed for Germany borders, its leaders are cracking down with strict new border controls that some see as harkening back to a more, …

After dragging the rest of the world into seemingly endless wars in the Middle East, policy makers and the major media outlets are now happy to flood the public with guilt-inducing reports about the refugee crisis now overwhelming Europe and threatening to undermine immigration policies throughout the Western world. Displaced …