Home»Politics»Trump Memo: We Will Crush Cruz with 1,400 Delegates on First Ballot

Trump Memo: We Will Crush Cruz with 1,400 Delegates on First Ballot

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You know, honestly the presidential reality show, I mean presidential race has become a three ring circus. Still, there are things that amaze me. One of those is Donald Trump’s recent internal memo that claims he is going to crush Senator Ted Cruz in a political landslide victory with 1,400 delegates on the first ballot at the Republican National Convention.

WND reports:

A 1,165-word memo obtained Wednesday by the Washington Post show Trump’s team is confident it will far surpass the 1,237 Republican delegates needed to outright win the party’s nomination. The billionaire’s showing in New York has also made it mathematically impossible for Cruz to amass 1,237 delegates of his own on a first ballot vote at July’s convention.

“The Cruz spin machine produces more lies than anything else,” the memo reads, the newspaper reported. “Our projections call for us to accumulate over 1400 delegates and thus a first ballot nomination win in Cleveland.”

Mathematically, Cruz doesn’t have a chance at winning the remaining delegates and obtaining the nomination in the primaries. Ohio Governor John Kasich has even less of a chance. Still they both stay in. Cruz, obviously has his eye on gaining delegates that are not bound in each state. It’s a strategy that Ron Paul employed in 2012, though I don’t recall states like Colorado and Wyoming working in anyone’s favor the way they did for Ted Cruz.

In any case, talk show host Rush Limbaugh said what we all know to be true, whether we like it or not, and that is that Trump is getting a fresh burst of political wind following some of the shenanigans that went on in Colorado.

“[Cruz’s] only hope and prayer is that it goes to a second ballot. That’s why I’m spending so much time telling you that the GOP, the RNC, more and more stories here about that 1,237 not being a hard number now,” Limbaugh said. “All of a sudden it’s becoming a soft number. All of a sudden more and more RNC people, ‘Yeah, you know, I’d be really tough to take it away from a guy who got all these votes and was the far-and-away leader in the popular vote, only a hundred delegates short, we can’t take it away from that guy, there would be hell to pay.’ They’re right.”

“He’s gonna be able to arrange enough trips to Trump Air One to get half of them to vote for him, or whatever. And that’s why I talked about the bandwagon effect. They’re all starting to realize here that if Trump shows up 50 or a hundred short that there’s enough unbound delegates in the first ballot unpledged that he can go get,” the talk show radio host said. “That’s all that’s happening here. And Cruz and the guys are hoping first ballot doesn’t produce any winner, because second, third ballot is the only chance they’ve got.”

I agree with that assessment, but as far as I’m concerned, Cruz is ineligible to hold the office and I’ve written on this on a number of occasions. For those of you who want to point the finger to judges that determined his eligibility and say that is the final word, I’ll bet you don’t hold that theory when it comes to Obamacare or the marriage ruling by the Supreme Court, do you?

As it stands now, after winning New York, Trump had 845 delegates, Cruz has 559 and John Kasich is still bringing up the rear with 147. The guy is not even ahead of Marco Rubio who suspended his campaign in mid-March! Interestingly enough, though Cruz may have been considering the constitutionally ineligible Rubio for Vice President, Rubio, who attacked Trump, says he’ll endorse him! In fact, the delegates won by Rubio and Kasich seem to actually be warming up to Trump, not Cruz, like many political pundits told us.

There has been talk of bringing Rubio in as VP under Trump. That would be disastrous too, as once again, Rubio is an anchor baby, not a natural born citizen. Furthermore, the man can’t seem to show up much of the time to do the job he currently holds as senator.

In either case, I suppose we will know what will really take place in under two months.

Tim Brown

Tim Brown is a Christian and lover of liberty, a husband to his "more precious than rubies" wife, father of 10 "mighty arrows" and jack of all trades. He lives in the US-Occupied State of South Carolina, is the Editor at SonsOfLibertyMedia.com, GunsInTheNews.com and TheWashingtonStandard.com. and SettingBrushfires.com; and also broadcasts on The Sons of Liberty radio weekdays at 6am EST and Saturdays at 8am EST. Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on Gab, Minds, and USALife.
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