US Army & State Officials Facilitated Torturous Child Sex Ring By Ignoring Dozens Of Complaints For A Decade!
Arizona — The US Army and the state of Arizona facilitated through inaction, a decade-long child sex abuse ring ran by a top civilian commander, David Frodsham. According to a report from the Associated Press this week, the Army and the state of Arizona missed or ignored multiple red flags over more than a decade, which allowed Frodsham to abuse his adopted children and other children for years, all the while putting national security at risk.
Before his arrest, Frodsham was the deputy commander of the Fort Huachuca Army base — a position he held after being kicked out of Afghanistan for deviant sexual behavior.
“I would not recommend placing him back into a position of authority but rather pursuing disciplinary actions at his home station,” wrote one commanding officer when recommending that the Army order Frodsham to leave his post at Bagram Airfield for his “deviant sexual behavior,” and return to Fort Huachuca.
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Instead of discipline, however, Frodsham rejoined the Network Enterprise Technology Command, the Army’s information technology service provider, where he had served as director of personnel for a global command of 15,000 soldiers and civilians, according to the AP.
While running the child sex ring, the state and the Army overlooked nearly 20 complaints, and attempted complaints, of abuse, neglect, maltreatment and licensing violations that surfaced through Arizona’s foster system. Despite these complaints, the state allowed this monster to continue to foster, adopt and retain custody of their many children who were used in the sex abuse ring.
According to officials, Frodsham’s illicit child sex practices coupled with the fact that he held a top secret clearance, made him a target of of blackmail from foreign intelligence agencies and a vulnerable security risk.
“He would have been an obvious target of foreign intelligence services because of his role and his location,” said Frank Figliuzzi, the former assistant director of counterintelligence for the FBI. “Fort Huachuca is one of the more sensitive installations in the continental United States. People with security issues should not be there.”
Yet he was there, and he was running a child sex ring in the meantime.
Three of the Frodshams’ adopted children have each filed a civil suit against the State of Arizona, with one filed this week for allowing the couple to continue parenting them despite the allegations of abuse.
In an interview with the AP, Ryan Frodsham said his adoptive father began sexually abusing him when he was 9 or 10 years old and the abuse continued into his teens, when David Frodsham began offering his son’s sexual services to other men.
“Makes me throw up thinking about it,” Ryan said.
All the people who claim to keep children safe were ignoring complaints of child sex abuse and allowed it to go on for a decade. In the latest complaint, the now 19-year-old Trever Frodsham says case workers ignored numerous signs that David and Barbara Frodsham were unfit parents. These included a 2002 sex abuse complaint filed with local police — who, along with the Army and the state of Arizona, refused to act.
When the allegations of ignoring the abuse first came to light, instead of facing it head on, the Arizona Department of Child Services attempted to cover it up by gagging employees. As we reported in 2019, Beth Breen, a former employee of Arizona DCS broke her gagging order and detailed the horrifying treatment suffered by a young girl named Devani at the hands of the Frodshams.
Breen explained that she was a driver for Devani, then a 5-year-old girl whose stay in foster care ended with her being permanently disfigured and fighting for her life in ICU because of her bureaucratic ‘protection’ within the system.
Because her biological mother struggled with addiction, the state took Devani from her. They took her from a bad situation and threw her into a nightmare where she was repeatedly raped and tortured.
In 2017, TFTP reported on Devani’s case and a subsequent lawsuit which is nothing short of something out of a horror film.
After having her child taken, Michelle Tremor-Calderon, the girl’s biological mother, began to improve her condition. With a clearer head, Tremor noticed that her daughter seemed to be deteriorating in the care of her state-appointed foster parent — David Frodsham.
“I did everything DCS wanted me to, and received certificates of completion, and was in full compliance when my rights were severed,” Tremor said.
After only a few weeks in the care of the Frodsham, multiple signs of abuse and neglect began to arise. However, no action was taken.
Tremor had pointed out, on multiple occasions, that her daughter had continued urinary-tract infections, which can sometimes indicate signs of repeated sexual abuse in children. Her concerns, however, fell on deaf bureaucratic ears.
“I told my CPS/DCS caseworker on several occasions due to my concerns, and they were all ignored,” Tremor said.
“Instead of investigating Jane Doe’s biological mother’s concerns of abuse, [DCS] and the defendant caseworkers accused her of making false and exaggerated reports to DCS,” the lawsuit states.
Despite jumping through all their hoops, the state refused to give back Tremor her daughter.
The longer she stayed away from her mom, the worst things got for little Devani.
Frodsham had been in the state’s foster program from 2002 until 2015 when he was removed after being caught DUI with children in his car — one of whom was Devani.
It was no ordinary DUI, however. This monster was so comfy with the statist system that was paying him to rape children that he went to the foster office drunk to get paid!
As the complaint notes, despite her mother’s repeated complaints, the state did not act on behalf of Devani until “David Frodsham, driving drunk, left 3-year-old Jane and another child in his parked car while he was collecting his foster parent check in a state office, while “visibly drunk and acting belligerent.”
Even after they found abused children in his car while drunk at the state office, the DCS did not conduct a review of his home. It took him getting arrested again — this time with another child rapist.
David Frodsham, the state’s choice for a better environment than her own mother, was arrested along with an active duty soldier for transferring child porn — which they made — over the internet.
After his arrest, David Frodsham pled guilty rather than face a trial and was sentenced to 17 years in the Arizona Department of Corrections. Instead of giving Devani back to her biological mother, the state put her in another foster home where she was tortured, put in boiling water until she lost 80% of her skin. She lost her toes to amputation “and will undergo lifelong operations to replace 80 percent of the skin on her body and will need incredible amounts of care for the duration of her life as a result of the abuse she suffered.
For more than a decade, David Frodsham was allowed to prey on children — and instead of correcting their actions after his arrest, the state moved one of his victims to another abuser.
Article posted with permission from Matt Agorist