Home»US»WATCH: Cops Terrorize, Taser, Kidnap High School Kid Because they Smelled Weed

WATCH: Cops Terrorize, Taser, Kidnap High School Kid Because they Smelled Weed

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Suffolk County, NY — If there is one thing that will ensure your assault, kidnapping, severe injury, and/or death in New York — it’s cops who think you might be in possession of a plant. A dramatic video from Walter G. O’Connell Copiague High School in Suffolk County this week provides a perfect example of this claim.

According to Suffolk Police Assistant Deputy Commissioner Justin Meyers, officers were responding to reports of an alleged fight at the high school. However, when they arrived there was no fight — but they did claim to smell a 16-year-old boy smoking marijuana.

To ‘protect’ the 16-year-old boy from the dangers of alleged marijuana use, officers moved in to kidnap him and lock him in a cage. In the video, the teen, who obviously does not want to be kidnapped and caged, is seen pulling away from his captors. However, because his kidnappers claim the legal authority to kidnap and cage people for possessing a plant, this ‘pulling away’ is then defined as a crime.

As the officer attempts to place handcuffs on the boy, he slips away and runs outside. Because this slipping away is also defined as a crime by the kidnappers, they claim the legal authority to deploy a 50,000 volt skin piercing less than lethal weapon into his back. At this point, the boy falls directly onto the concrete.

Luckily the child was not severely injured from the fall.

During the video, an unidentified man tells the person filming to put his phone away. However, Senior John Collado, the student filming, knew his rights and refused.

“He walked like five feet outside, turned around and stood there. The officer said, ‘Get down,’ didn’t even give him a second to get down, and Tased him right away,” Collado said.

“The officer again gave verbal command for the suspect to stop. He did not, and the officer deployed his Taser one time,” a Suffolk County police spokesperson said. “There appears to be nothing improper about the use here. It will certainly be reviewed, as any use of force is reviewed, but at this time, it looks that everything was done appropriately.”

“It’s a 16-year-old boy. He was unarmed. I don’t know, if you can’t take him down by yourself, I don’t know why you’re in the line of work,” Collado said.

Even if the boy was smoking marijuana, this reaction and subsequent kidnapping is hardly a viable solution to prevent it. This boy, who attends the school, has no previous run-ins with police. However, he is now rotting in a cage because the state deemed a plant illegal.

The irony here is this: Had this child been seen smoking a cigarette, the officers likely would have never even approached him. Or, if they did, they would have probably just asked him to put it out.

Cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths per year in the United States.

Marijuana has never been attributed to a single death…ever. 

Great work, Suffolk County police. This boy, who may not have ever committed a real crime with a real victim, is now surrounded by criminals and will undoubtedly have to adapt some of their behavior to get along.

It’s no wonder the majority of Americans want to legalize cannabis. You can only take so much oppression and violence before you naturally begin to resist.

Article first appeared at The Free Thought Project.

The Washington Standard

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