Alleged Fraud Rep. Rashida Tlaib Pushes For Impeachment of President Trump: “This Is An Emergency For Many Of Us”
Islamic jihad-tied and alleged election fraud artist Rashida Tlaib is not only facing cries from Americans that she should be impeached, but the classless Michigan representative has promised to “impeach the motherf**ker” President Donald Trump. Now, she’s claiming that writing articles of impeachment against Trump is somehow an “emergency” for her.
According to The Hill, Tlaib claims that she will soon introduce articles of impeachment against the president, despite not saying why she is producing them.
The Hill reports:
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Democratic leaders have sought to deter members of the caucus from pressing the impeachment issue, arguing the need for further investigations into Trump’s actions in office. They’re concerned that without more evidence of presidential wrongdoing — and more public support for impeachment — the issue could backfire on the Democrats at the polls next year.
But Tlaib, a firebrand freshman who has long advocated for impeachment, said constituents and activists are clamoring for Democrats to launch the effort, creating “a sense of urgency” that will compel her to introduce articles before month’s end.
“We saw record turnout in an election year, where people wanted to elect a jury that would begin the impeachment proceedings to Donald Trump,” Tlaib said during a packed press briefing in the foyer of her Capitol Hill office.
“We want to work on these economic justice issues, racial justice issues and everything. But guess what? There is a wall there, and a constitutional crisis that is not going to [let us] do our jobs as American Congress members to push a lot of these agendas forward.”
“This is the largest class since Watergate,” Tlaib said, referring to the freshmen Democrats. “This is a class — a diverse class — that comes … with a sense of urgency to act. To act to hold corporations accountable, to act in holding President Trump accountable, to act to really try to see real reforms, even within our congressional process.
“This is an emergency for many of us.”
Of course, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is attempting to stave the pressure for impeachment till after special counsel Robert Mueller wraps up his multi-million dollar “investigation” that has basically produced nothing concerning that which he was charged to investigate. Signs are that is close to being completed as Amazon is already putting up pre-orders to milk the American people for money for a report for which they have already paid.
For Pelosi’s part, she has said, “When the facts are known, then we can make a judgment.”
I’m pretty sure we’re aware of the facts. They’ve been out for quite a while now, so no bombshells are likely to be made known.
Still, Tlaib is not the only Democrat pushing to impeach Trump.
Three Democrats have already put forth articles of impeachment: Representatives Brad Sherman (CA), Al Green (TX), and Steve Cohen (TN).
Sherman introduced his on the first day of Congress and Green introduced his last year only to claim that he will re-introduce something similar in the future and demand they be brought to the floor of the House for a vote.
Meanwhile, after Cohen had presented articles of impeachment before, he has not re-introduced them so far.
Thing is, if Tlaib wants to go ahead and push for it, she will look like more of a fool than she already does. She has no basis for them unless she wants to actually cite unconstitutional actions by President Trump which we have evidence for, but she isn’t going to do that.
Remember, this is a woman that not only draped herself in the flag of another people when she won the election but also has warned that the “Muslims are here.”
Article posted with permission from Freedom Outpost