As Folks Rot in Cages for Weed, Cop Gets No Jail for Setting Home on Fire, Killing Two Dogs Inside
Blue privilege landed the officer a slap on the wrist despite admitting to heinous crimes such as arson, animal cruelty, and insurance fraud.
Perry County, IN — In a world where people are rotting in cages for possessing a plant, is it really that surprising to see a former Indiana State Police trooper walk free after admitting to heinous crimes such as arson, animal cruelty, and insurance fraud? Well, that’s exactly what happened, and this glaring discrepancy in the justice system highlights the deep-rooted corruption, double standards, and “blue privilege” that plague our society.
Jeremy Galloway, the ex-ISP trooper, was sentenced to four years on Thursday. However, he won’t be spending a single day behind bars, according to court records. Instead, Galloway will serve the first two years of his sentence on electronic home monitoring, the third year on reporting probation, and the fourth year on non-reporting probation. This lenient punishment comes as a result of Galloway pleading guilty to all charges as part of a plea agreement.
In October 2019, Galloway maliciously set fire to his Tell City home, killing his dogs in the process. Despite the severity of his crimes, Galloway was only placed on administrative leave without pay during the investigation, before ultimately resigning from his position as an ISP trooper. This slap on the wrist is a stark contrast to the draconian penalties faced by individuals who are caught with a mere plant.
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The irony of this situation is unmistakable. While Galloway avoids prison for causing destruction and death, countless individuals who have never harmed a soul are languishing in cages for simply possessing or using cannabis. These people are not arsonists, they’re not cruel to animals, and they’re not committing fraud – yet their lives have been upended by a deeply flawed and outdated legal system that seems to protect its own at the expense of justice.
Blue privilege, the special treatment afforded to law enforcement officers within the legal system, is evident in Galloway’s case. It’s high time we question the priorities of a society that allows a corrupt ex-trooper to escape the consequences of his actions, while non-violent individuals are subjected to life-altering punishment for using a plant with proven medicinal benefits. The disparity in these two situations highlights a severe lack of accountability and fairness within our so-called “justice” system.
The case of Jeremy Galloway serves as a stark reminder that we have a long way to go in reforming our broken criminal justice system. It’s a system that punishes the weak and powerless, while allowing the corrupt and well-connected – often those with badges – to evade justice. This is not the society we should be striving for – it’s a system that desperately needs change.
Article posted with permission from Matt Agorist