Author Archive

Allan Stevo

Allan Stevo writes about international politics and culture from a free market perspective at 52 Weeks in Slovakia ( He is the author of numerous other books.

Hi Allan,  I just read your response at Lew Rockwell. Great stuff! I live in ———. I have not worn a face mask yet. I was thrown out of my daughter’s soccer game, physically threatened by the athletic director and refused entrance to all others in the city and surrounding …

In the United States, we don’t have one government. We quite specifically have checks and balances between branches (examples include the checks and balances laid out in US Constitution, or through the seizure of judicial power that took place with Marbury v. Madison in 1803), checks and balances between state and federal (as stipulated in the Tenth …

Some identify religion as a human necessity. Seemingly as a testament to that, even those who have proudly done away with what they see as the banal and barbaric myths of the past, make a god of the state and a religion of the political process. Others may see Tony …