Author Archive

David Risselada

David Risselada earned his Master's degree in professional writing from Liberty University and has a Bachelor's degree in social work. David is the author of two books. Psychopolitics in America: A Nation Under Conquest and Not on My Watch: Exposing the Marxist Agenda in Education.

PSYOP – Psychological Operation. An operation meant to manage the ideas, emotions, and behaviors of the opposition. (Taillard, Psychology and Modern Warfare)  People tend to develop a version of reality based on the daily information their brains take in. We use our senses to collect data; from that data, we develop …

The U.S. Surgeon General, Vivek Murthy, has officially declared gun violence to be a public health crisis. This occurred after telling Congress he had no intention of using his office as a bully pulpit to push an agenda. While serving under the Obama administration, Murthy was part of an organization called …

Last August, I wrote an article on the Rahimi case, which The Supreme Court ruled on this past Friday. I argued they would do one of two things. They would either throw the issue out, because disarming someone under a domestic violence restraining order happens with no due process, or, they …

Sometimes, I find myself at a loss. The past few years have been quite an experience for me as I have taken a deep dive into the studies of persuasive communications and their relationship to propaganda and attitude change. I also self-published a book on Critical Race Theory, attempting to show readers …

I want to talk about the Second Amendment. Aside from my usual interests in persuasion and propaganda, the Second Amendment is something I care deeply about. Not necessarily because I am a gun nut, well I am, but I understand the connection between having a so-called right to life and …

If there was one question Americans must ask themselves, one that rose above the fray as the question that will define what it means to be an American, what would it be? We live our lives day in and day out believing that we are free, but do we even …

Often, after a traumatic event such as a mass shooting, or an economic crisis of some sort, people commonly ask if “America is at a crossroads.” This implies that Americans face a question that will determine not only the fate of the nation but also their lives on a more …

I have been writing for about ten years. I have two websites that contain hundreds of articles covering topics from the Second Amendment, psychological conditioning, indoctrination in schools, and more recently, the processes of persuasion. I have written four books – Not on My Watch: Exposing Marxism in Education, Psychopolitics in America: …

It seems like an eternity since I have written anything. A sullen realization tends to sink in when you realize how far-reaching social media censorship goes and how algorithms have taken control of everything. Someday, the American people will see that they have become their own slave masters to a system …

They are ramping up the propaganda again. After forcing nearly half of the world’s population to get the first round of shots, they are coming out with a new vaccine in response to yet another – deadly strain of COVID-19. I am convinced that the “plannedemic” was nothing more than …