Author Archive
Tim Brown
Designated Terror Group in America Claims Greatest Threat to America Comes from Right-Wing Extremism
The Executive Director of the designated terror group Council on American-Islamic Relations in St. Louis has not only sought to bring some 10,000 Syrian Muslim “refugees” into the area, but also claims that it isn’t Muslims who are the greatest threat to America, but right-wing extremists. As the Obama administration …

Groom Saves Life During Wedding Speech
So, what does a groom do on his wedding day when he discovers someone at the wedding reception is choking. He springs into action, of course, even if it’s in the middle of his own wedding speech. Cody Campbell, a Los Angeles County firefighter, was enjoying the aftermath of his …

Nixon’s Watergate Tapes Lost 18 Minutes – Hillary Clinton’s Emails are Missing 5 Months!
In a comparison to the infamous Watergate tapes of President Richard M. Nixon, who resigned office as he was facing impeachment, the emails that Hillary Clinton sent and received on an illegal server are missing 5 months’ worth of emails. Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the announcement of the …

Public School Students Are the New Inmates in the American Police State
“Every day in communities across the United States, children and adolescents spend the majority of their waking hours in schools that have increasingly come to resemble places of detention more than places of learning. From metal detectors to drug tests, from increased policing to all-seeing electronic surveillance, the public schools …

Prisoners Put the Beat Down on Muslim Jihadist Who Tries to Convert Them
It seems Canada’s prisoners know how to deal best with Muslims jihadists than their own government does. In a recently released video by Canadian officials, Carlos Larmond, who is facing terrorism-related charges, got a beat down by two other prisoners after he attempted to convert him to the religion of …

Miss South Carolina Blew Everyone Away With Her Answer Concerning the Second Amendment
In the Miss America pageant where many times there are gaffes that last for weeks and start all sorts of controversies, Miss South Carolina, Daja Dial, 22, responded to a question about guns that would make any southerner or true constitutionalist proud. The judges asked her, “Do you support a …

Here’s the List of Cities Obama will Dump Invading Muslim “Refugees”
Just before the weekend, we learned that out of the fifty states, California, Texas and New York will be getting the largest dump of Muslim “refugees” coming from the Middle East. They are also unscreened Muslims as well. So, if you were wondering if a town near you was going …

Freedom is Found Nowhere Somone has not First Preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ or Sacrificed to give it
It would be nice if those who represent the people understand that our country is a Republic and not a democracy. This past week, Bradlee Dean, radio show host of The Sons of Liberty, pointed out this very issue not only in a column he penned, but also on his …

Oath Keepers Want to Send Armed Guards to Protect Kim Davis from Federal Marshals Imprisoning Her Again
And this is how the Constitution is supposed to work. This is how the militia enforcing the Constitution when a federal government has gone tyrannical. Members of the group Oath Keepers are volunteering their services to interpose themselves between Kim Davis and federal marshals should they seek to follow unlawful …

Hillary Clinton Campaign Workers Busted on Video Bragging about Breaking Election Law: “Whatever you Can Get Away With, Just Do It”
James O’Keffe strikes again, exposing more corruption from the Clinton criminal mafia. This time it’s in Nevada, where the Hillary Clinton campaign not only promotes the breaking of election law, but brags about doing so. Christina Gupana, a Hillary campaign worker and Las Vegas attorney, was caught by Project Veritas …