Author Archive
Tim Brown

Kim Davis Released from Jail! – Still won’t Issue Sodomites Marriage Licenses
Kim Davis was released from a Grayson, Kentucky jail on Tuesday, on the order of the same Bush-appointed pro-s0domite judge who ordered her to be jailed. The release came just ahead of a rally led by former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee to support Mrs. Davis. Buy All-American! Bring health and …

While Kim Davis was Illegally Put in Jail, Obama did This
The Obama administration follows the Rahm Emanuel sentiments at every turn in taking advantage of a crisis. The illegal jailing of Kim Davis for following the law and ignoring an unlawful order from Bush appointed pro-sodomite Judge David Bunning was used as cover for the Obama administration to illegally plan …

Kim Davis is Freer Than Most Americans
If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. –John 8:36 In America, people often think that being able to do whatever you want, even sinful and criminal behavior, is the definition of freedom and liberty. Such is not the case. In fact, the people who …

Harley Davidson Dealership Announced Its Facilities as Meeting Place for Nation of Islam Rally – And the People Spoke Out
Harley-Davidson has been known as an American motorcycle company, but recently a DC area Harley-Davidson thought it would be a good idea to sponsor a rally for the Nation of Islam for black bikers on the 20th anniversary of Louis Farrakhan’s “Million Man March.” Needless to say, they got an …

Blasphemous, Mindless Women Eject Jesus from Gospel Song – Insert Hillary
Criminal Hillary Clinton remains at large while an innocent, law abiding and law upholding Kim Davis remains in jail… and the Hillary worshippers are out. By worshippers, I mean that literally. A women’s group decided to remove Jesus from a gospel song and insert Hillary Clinton in His place… and …

Why Kim Davis is the Law Follower and the Federal Courts are the Law Breakers
In this short video, Michael Peroutka clearly and concisely exposes the issues involved in the Kim Davis case.

Trump Demonstrates He Does Not Understand the Constitution: Claims Sodomite “Marriage” is “Law of the Land”
While Donald Trump has certainly stirred the pot against the establishment, and for that I’m truly grateful, the fact is that I have been stand-offish on the man because I knew there are things that will come to the surface on him. This week The Donald proclaimed ignorantly that same-sex …

Judge Who Jailed Kim Davis Also Ordered Opposition to Sodomites to be Re-Educated
Now, we’re getting somewhere. The judge that ordered Kim Davis to be jailed for not breaking the law, but opposing his unlawful orders, is the same judge behind re-educating (indoctrinating) Kentucky student who opposed sodomy. That judge, a Bush appointee no less, was none other than US District Judge David …

See Why This Gun Shop Etches a Bible Verse In Their New Line of Semi-Automatic Rifles
Spike’s Tactical in Apopka, Florida has a new line of AR-15 rifles with a Knights Templar Long Cross and a verse from the Bible etched on the side. Why? Apparently, they believe the verse will repel Muslims jihadists. The Ar-15, referred to as the “Crusader,” has hit the market at …

Owning a Car is 80% More Dangerous than Owning a Gun
While communist gun grabbers like Shannon Watts’ Moms Demand Action and Coalition to Stop Gun Violence would have us believe that we are in grave danger from Americans keeping and bearing arms, the facts continue to allude them. Not only do criminals not purchase their guns through gun stores nor …