Baltimore Pastor Tears Up COVID Cease & Desist Letter: “News Flash! Pharoah Doesn’t Get To Dictate To God’s People How They Worship Their God!”
In the midst of a Wednesday night service, a Baltimore pastor defied the Beast system and the governor by preaching against the tyranny of the state. In the middle of his sermon, he ripped up a cease and desist letter related to the COVID-19, coronavirus hoax and declared that the Beast doesn’t get to dictate how God’s people worship, following up with “We’re gonna do it God’s way!”
Fox News reports:
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A Baltimore pastor tore up a cease-and-desist letter mid-sermon Wednesday night after local officials threatened a $5,000 fine earlier in the week for holding in-person services.
Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan announced last Friday that houses of worship could reopen at 50 percent capacity, citing declining hospitalizations related to the coronavirus pandemic. He left the timing up to local jurisdictions. The state has had more than 41,000 confirmed coronavirus cases and at least 2,081 deaths.
Stacey Shiflett, pastor of the 400-member Calvary Baptist Church in Dundalk, held a Wednesday night service. With more than 100 congregants in the 600-capacity sanctuary, Calvary was in compliance with Hogan’s order but in defiance of the Baltimore County Department of Health and Human Services’ order.
“With this cease-and-desist letter in my hand, the Bible says to the New Testament church ‘not forsaking the assembling of yourselves together as the manner of some is, but so much more as you see the day approaching,’ and the closer we get to Jesus coming back, the more church we ought to be having, not less church,” Pastor Shiflett preached.
“So newsflash,” Shiflett thundered. “Pharaoh doesn’t get to dictate to God’s people how they worship their God. God is the one who defines the parameters. God is the one that communicates his will and his plan for his church, not Egypt.”
“And I’m telling you right now, with this cease-and-desist letter in my hand, the Bible says to the New Testament church ‘not forsaking the assembling of yourselves together as the manner of some is, but so much the more as you see the day approaching,’ and the closer we get to Jesus coming back, the more church we ought to be having, not less church,” he continued. “Now that’s God’s parameters. So I’m tearing up this cease-and-desist order right here, and I’m telling you right now, we’re gonna do it God’s way! We’re gonna do it God’s way! God tells us how to worship Him, nobody else gets to do that.”
The pastor said, “I don’t plan on shutting the church. If they fine us, I’m not paying it. It’s unconstitutional. They don’t have a leg to stand on.”
He also tweeted out a short video clip of his message and ripping up the letter on Twitter.
Amen! and Amen!
The true Church will never bow to the Beast, never!
Those already showing their hand and trembling before the Beast rather than advancing the crown rights of King Jesus should be abandoned and the hirelings of those church’s exposed for what they are.
Well done, Pastor Shiflett!
Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media