Home»US»California: Shocking Video Show Cops Doing Drive-By Shooting In The Back With Rubber Bullets On Teens

California: Shocking Video Show Cops Doing Drive-By Shooting In The Back With Rubber Bullets On Teens

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Los Angeles, CA — There is so much police violence against citizens unfolding in America right now that it is impossible to cover all of it. The effects of such rampant violence — while certainly horrifying to those experiencing it — also serves to desensitize the rest of the country to it. TFTP has reported on multiple instances that should be on the front page of every major outlet, but there are literally so many of them, that it is impossible to break through the divisive chatter in the mainstream.

For example, 13 days ago, if cops were recorded conducting a drive-by shooting at kids walking down a sidewalk in their neighborhood — allegedly enforcing a 7:00 p.m. curfew — this would be a national conversation. Instead, it’s been reduced to a blurb in local media and buried by countless other stories.

Instead of seeing why something like this is a problem — which is why people are currently in the streets — Joe Sixpack remains mentally captured by the narratives fed to him through the divisive mainstream. The right regurgitates their narrative of all the protesters being rioters while the left says the opposite.

In reality, however, the truth is not polarized and is multifaceted.

The truth is that some people claiming to be protesters are doing some horrific things like beating innocent people and in some instance, killing them. Also, the truth is that cops are doing some horrific things like beating innocent people and killing them too. Neither of the situations is okay but to ignore one while focusing on the other only serves to add to your confirmation bias, ensuring that the actual multidimensional truth is never found.

TFTP chooses to focus on the crimes of the state as crimes by individuals are usually punished and not carried out under the protection of qualified immunity or some other legal doctrine that serves to protect those who carry out violence in the name of government. The following video below is a perfect example of said violence.

According to witnesses, the following footage was taken in the area of Fountain and Highland avenues.

In the video, we can see a deputy with the Los Angeles County Sheriff department leaning out the window in a “drive-by” fashion before opening fire on a group of teens on the sidewalk.

We have no way of knowing what transpired prior to this shooting. However, nothing the officers are doing is within department policy.

As the group turns and runs, pepper balls are seen exploding on signs and cars before rubber bullet gun shots can be heard. It was a scene out of a dystopian fiction, but it was real and happened in the land of the free.

After the video was posted to social media, sheriff Alex Villanueva issued a statement on Wednesday, but did not discuss the incident specifically.

“I am aware of two videos circulating on social media involving my deputies,” he said. “As with all use of force incidents, these cases will be thoroughly investigated, and we will also examine the facts, policies & procedures.”

“As I have stated before, this is another example of why we so desperately need the Board of Supervisors to fully fund the LASD body-worn camera project. The public deserves dull transparency.”

Villanueva tweeted, “I encourage any bystander(s) who may have captured the entire incident(s), particularly the events which led up to the incident(s), to contact the @LASDHQ.”

Villanueva also discussed the use of less-lethal weapons during civil unrest during an interview with KTLA on Wednesday morning, saying:

“They only should be used when the need is there. Obviously, if you’re tasking rocks and bottles in a confrontation, there’s no politically correct way to address the fact that you’re being assaulted, but with a deadly weapon,’ he said. “I expect the deputies to defend themselves and, however, they can do so with less-lethal force, which is the whole idea of the rubber bullets here, rubber batons. These are 40 mm, 37 mm, the pepper balls; all these different devices are designed to get someone’s attention without injuring them.”

As you watch the video below, as cops conduct a drive-by shooting on kids, the deputies are hardly “defending themselves” against anything.

Below is that disturbing footage perfectly illustrating why people are protesting.


Article posted with permission from Matt Agorist

Matt Agorist

Matt Agorist is an honorably discharged veteran of the USMC and former intelligence operator directly tasked by the NSA. This prior experience gives him unique insight into the world of government corruption and the American police state. Agorist has been an independent journalist for over a decade and has been featured on mainstream networks around the world. Agorist is also the Editor at Large at the Free Thought Project.
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