Home»US»Chattanooga Marine’s Message to Obama: You have done more Damage to this Country than Anyone

Chattanooga Marine’s Message to Obama: You have done more Damage to this Country than Anyone

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US Marine Cpl. Ty Hammons has had it with Barack Obama and his Marxist-Muslims regime and he took to YouTube to vent his frustrations regarding the usurper-in-chief in the wake of the Chattanooga Islamic jihad attack. Not only did he say that Obama was not deserving of the title Commander-in-chief, but he even said that he had done more damage to the country than anyone else.

“I’m not going to address you as President or the Commander In Chief,” he began. “You don’t deserve it. I fail to see in any way that you have earned it.”

“I am a citizen of the United States of America. More importantly, I am born and raised and a current resident of Chattanooga, Tennessee,” he continued. “I am proud to say that I’m a United States Marine…. I work six days a week at a blue collar job to provide for my wife and two sons, which doesn’t leave much time to do anything else. But, this is important, so I made the time.”

“The day of the attack, you delivered a statement and you don’t even have the decency to stand up,” the Marine Corporal blasted. “You talked on the Charleston issue standing up. You talked on the Boston Bombing standing up. Baltimore, standing. Mike Brown, standing. Greece, standing. Washington Naval Yard shooting, standing. Whitney frickin’ Houston, you stood up. Four Marines gunned down and killed, followed by a sailor . . . all on American soil, while on duty, but unarmed, defenseless, and you sit, slumped down in a chair and ramble through some poorly-scripted apology that seems as sincere as ‘If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.'”

“We have a saying in the Marine Corps at the end of your service,” he added. “You’re told: ‘Don’t drop your pack.’ Mr. Obama, you never put your pack on.”

Hammons named the names of his fallen military brothers and expressed his “deepest and sincerest condolences” to the families of these men as he stepped back from the camera to attention:

  • United States Marine Corps, Gunnery Sergeant Thomas Sullivan, age 40, two tours in Iraq, earned two Purple Hearts
  • United States Marine, Staff Sergeant David Wyatt, age 37
  • United States Marine Corps, Sgt. Carson Holmquist, age 27, two tours in Afghanistan
  • United States Marine Corps, Lance Corporal Skip Wells, age 21
  • United States Navy, Petty Officer Randall Smith, age 26

As he took his seat following the solemn remembrance, he lit back into Obama again,.

“It seems to me, and apparently I’m not alone, that you have done more damage to this country than anyone,” he said. “A once proud nation that stood for liberty, justice, and freedom is now in chaos. These people are fighting each other; there’s rioting in the streets; history is being censored by political correctness.”

“There’s actually debates about or not to destroy protected national monuments,” he continued. “Those monuments were made long before you 2008 entrance into our leadership. They explain the journey of Americans’ travels. They celebrate the men and women that gave so much, including their lives, and fought for our freedoms and liberties that you’re so quick to dissolve, which actually makes sense. You don’t want us remembering that people once rose up and fought for our freedoms from an over-controlling government. And while you were busy taking away those freedoms and liberties one by one, I never thought there’d be a day that Americans would fear paying their respects to fallen heroes whose only fault was showing up for work that day.”

He then addressed the fact that children in the country don’t stand to say the Pledge of allegiance because God offends them. Hammons tied that to the fact that Obama said “it doesn’t matter.”

Recalling the founding fathers, Hammons said he knew this day would come when America would be facing tyranny once again and bluntly told Obama, “Mr. Obama, you are a tyrant and nothing more.”

The Marine cited numerous things from the national debt to Obama’s golf outings to the struggles Americans have faced under Obama’s regime, including being “forced to pay for outrageously expensive crap healthcare of face fines [taxes].” And pointing out the tyranny in that last measure, Hammons said, “Yet you and your minions are exempt.”

He blasted the administration for their lack of transparency and providing answers amid all the scandals and criminal activity they have been involved in.

“No more,” he thundered. “No more back room deals and secret documents, bills that can’t be read before voting up. We’re no longer asking for answers, we are demanding them. We are no longer asking you to take action, we demand it. We are no longer asking for your attention, we will be listened to. Remember this, if nothing else: You work for us, not the other way round.”

While he acknowledged that he and his family may face consequences for making the video, Hammons said he believed what he said needed to be said, and I’m sure many reading this article will agree.

“May God bless the United States of America, and prayers to Chattanooga, all the families and friends of those lost and all the victims associated,” he concluded. “My family is here for you, and if there is anything that we can do, please let us know.”

Ah yes, still in service to those around him. That’s the kind of spirit that is supposed to exist in a land blessed by God, one that has compassion for others and seeks to demonstrate true love.

Well said Marine!

H/T Dr. Eowyn

Tim Brown

Tim Brown is a Christian and lover of liberty, a husband to his "more precious than rubies" wife, father of 10 "mighty arrows" and jack of all trades. He lives in the US-Occupied State of South Carolina, is the Editor at SonsOfLibertyMedia.com, GunsInTheNews.com and TheWashingtonStandard.com. and SettingBrushfires.com; and also broadcasts on The Sons of Liberty radio weekdays at 6am EST and Saturdays at 8am EST. Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on Gab, Minds, and USALife.
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