Constitutional Sheriffs CAN Protect Liberty In A Kamala Harris Presidency Or Any Other (Video)
Sheriffs in the various counties of the Union hold the highest elected law-enforcing office in the county. While many sheriffs have no idea what being a constitutional sheriff encompasses, there are many who do. Can they protect the liberty of the people should the disqualified Kamala Harris be installed to the White House, or any other president for that matter? Absolutely!
Investigative journalist Alex Newman has more on this, which you need to share with your local sheriff.
Join Alex Newman in this episode of The Sentinel Report as we cover the news of the horrendous mockery of Christianity on display at the 2024 Olympics, the misinformation surrounding Donald Trump’s speech at Turning Point USA’s Believers’ Summit, and much more.
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Additionally, Sheriff Richard Mack joins the program to emphasize the necessity of voting for a sheriff in your community that fights for and believes in the U.S. Constitution.
Pivoting to the topic of parental rights, Kelly Piacsek, the president of the Board of Education for the school district of Waukesha, WI., challenges parents to reassess their children’s education, asking themselves how involved they really are in raising their posterity.
Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media