Dane Wigington: They’ve Thrown The Geoengineering Kill Switch (Video)
Dane Wigington has been providing documentation of government operated chemtrails for years at his website GeoengineeringWatch.org. In a recent interview, Wigington declared the geoengineering “kill switch” had been activated in hopes of putting the world into a nightmarish global famine.
Mike Adams interviewed Wigington.
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The entire planet is being deliberately plunged into a global famine nightmare, achieved via geoengineering programs carried out by world governments trying to achieve global depopulation.
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That’s the warning from Dane Wigington of GeoengineeringWatch.org, a site dedicated to the scientific investigation of the global “kill switch” portfolio of technologies being used to control weather and cause the collapse of the world’s life-sustaining biosphere.
The simultaneous droughts, floods and freak weather events we are observing right now across the globe are not natural weather events, Wigington warns. They are “engineered” weapons being deployed against humanity under the cover of blaming “climate change.”
In today’s Situation Update podcast, we feature a full one-hour interview with Dane Wigington, where we delve into the multiple vectors of global attack on the food supply, the biosphere, phytoplankton in aquatic ecosystems and life as we know it on planet Earth. This is a rare conversation between two science-educated individuals who understand the truth about global depopulation and engineered mass starvation, weather weaponization, chemtrails, terraforming and the war on life.
Also covered in today’s powerful podcast
– Detailed discussions of atmospheric alterations to attack the biosphere of Earth
– How weather weapons are used to cause mass famine and starvation across the planet
– How atmospheric spraying is altering soil pH and obliterating forests and crops
– Discussion around “The Dimming” and chemtrails and their true purpose
– Why BILLIONS of humans will die if we don’t stop the planetary genocide soon
– US utility companies SEIZE control over household thermostats
– Amazon.com solar rooftops erupt into flames as “green energy” pukes.
Green energy only works if you don’t use it
Did you know that Amazon fulfillment centers are catching on fire due to solar panel installations on their roofs? It turns out all that “green” energy is a fire hazard. Remarkably, as CNBC.com reports, 12.7% of Amazon’s buildings that feature solar installations have caught on fire due to “arcing” from the solar installations.
It looks like “going green” also means going up in flames.
If you were a business owner and saw that a new energy system was setting fire to 12.7% of your warehouses, you would shut it down. That’s exactly what Amazon did, too.
So when the sun is shining, solar power is catching buildings on fire. When the sun isn’t shining, solar power produces zero energy.
It’s a lot like when it’s not raining, the municipal water system in Jackson, Mississippi works great. But when it’s raining, the entire system fails, leaving 180,000 people without running water, even as water is literally falling out of the sky. The estimated repair time on that failure? Four months. And that’s if they can even find the parts. (Side question: Where are all the people of Jackson currently crapping, given that nobody can flush toilets across the entire city?)
Remember, too, that you’re supposed to buy an electric vehicle but not charge it, because charging it might collapse the power grid in California, utility officials have warned.
So green energy only works when you don’t use it.
Get the full story — and interview with Wigington — in today’s Situation Update podcast:
Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media