Dr. David Martin Expounds Upon CONvid Crimes At EU Parliament International COVID Summit: It Started So Simply… 58 Years Ago! (Video)
As far as I’m concerned, we have enough documentation to demonstrate that Big Pharma, the Trump administration, the Biden administration, the pimps in government and the Mockingbird media, as well as doctors, nurses and pharmacists in the US have been complicit in the violation of the Nuremberg Code and those engaged in murder of the innocent during the CONvid-1984 via the lies told about a non-proven to exist “virus” and the “safety and efficacy” of the experimental shot while failing to provide informed consent.
Dr. David Martin appeared before the European Union Parliament’s COVID Summit on May 3, 2023 to explain what is going on and point to the fact that it all began 58 years ago!
Martin also pointed out the the PCR test can also be used for bioweapon delivery.
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The crimes are clear and documented. All the People need to do is demand justice upon the heads of the wicked and then perform it.
- Judgment Upon The Heads Of The Terrorists? Murder Charges Coming for The Guilty Involved in Plandemic? Dr. David Martin Explains…(Video)
- Dr. David Martin Exposes Plandemic Conspirators Top To Bottom (Video)
- Dr. David Martin: Coronavirus Patents Prove COVID Fraud & Illegal Dealings – The People Demand Justice! (Video)
- Bombshell From Dr. David Martin: Only FDA Approved COVID Shot Does NOT Exist In US Marketplace (Video)
- Dr. David Martin: They Are “Using The Word Vaccine To Sneak This Under Public Health Exemptions” – This Is NOT A Vaccine! (Video)
Keep in mind that we heard from former Pfizer Vice President Michael Yeadon as he said, “There was no virus” and that the deaths incurred during COVID were “medical malpractice at best and murder at worst.”
This is not a game. It’s deadly serious and if we don’t bring justice against these criminals, they will do it again, and this time, it might be you or someone you love who are caught in their crosshairs.
Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media