Extortion 17 is a Bigger Scandal and Betrayal than Benghazi
Extortion 17 could be a bigger scandal and betrayal of Americans than Benghazi. While Benghazi resulted in four American deaths, Extortion 17 resulted in 38 deaths, including nearly two dozen Navy SEALs. Many of these SEALs were made famous, credited with the killing of Osama bin Laden. The Chinook helicopter they were aboard was shot down by Taliban forces, which written testimony confirms knew the elite forces were coming into the area. Families are going after the Obama administration for what they believe were leaks that led to their family members’ deaths. According to Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform subcommittee on National Security, “We’re going to dive into this.”
Billy Vaughn, father of slain Navy SEAL Aaron Vaughn, recently told Freedom Outpost that the family wants to see Vice President Joe Biden and former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta held accountable for national security breaches when they outed the SEALs.
Not only were the SEAL team members furious and shocked over the big mouths of the Obama administration beating its chest with pride over the success of killing bin Laden, but the families were equally enraged. The message compromised the safety of the unit, as well as their families.
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At a gathering at the Ritz Carlton hotel in Washington, D.C. for the 50th anniversary of the Atlantic Council, a mere two days after the raid, Vice President Joe Biden remarked to the audience,
“Let me briefly acknowledge tonight’s distinguished honorees: Adm. Jim Stavridis is the real deal; he could tell you more about and understands the incredible, the phenomenal, the just almost unbelievable capacity of his Navy SEALS and what they did last — last Sunday.”
“And what was even more extraordinary was — and I’m sure former administration officials will appreciate this more than anyone — there was such an absolute, overwhelming desire to accomplish this mission that although for over several months, we were in the process of planning it, and there were as many as 16 members of Congress who were briefed on it, not a single, solitary thing leaked. I find that absolutely amazing,” Biden added.
Forget Edward Snowden. Joe Biden made one of the biggest leaks of national security information in recent history!
Former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta made leaked similar information while in Afghanistan.
Karen Vaughn, joined by her husband Billy, on Fox News said, As soon as Joe Biden announced that it was a SEAL Team who took out Bin Laden, within 24 hours, my son called me and I rarely ever heard him sound afraid in his adult life…. He said, ‘Mom, you need to wipe your social media clean…your life is in danger, our lives are in danger, so clean it up right now’.”
Mr. Vaughn, showing his anger and disgust with Biden, ripped the media. “The media has let this man get away with saying ‘Uncle Joe’s gaffes, Uncle Joe’s gaffes,” he said. “This is not Uncle Joe and he’s not some senile old grandfather. He is the second in command of the most powerful country in the world and he needs to take responsibility for the comments he makes and quit being given a pass.”
Additionally, Charles Strange, father of fallen Navy SEAL Michael Strange, has been just as outspoken as the Vaughns against both Barack Obama and Joe Biden. In July, Strange told WND “Obama sent my son to his death.”
Strange also recounted his interview with talk show host Michael Savage:
After the revelations of Joe Biden that SEAL Team 6 carried out the operation that has alleged to have killed Osama bin Laden, Strange said that members of the SEAL team echoed to their families similar concerns to that of Aaron Vaughn.
Strange told Savage that on at least three separate occasions, in June 2011, his son grabbed him by the arm and announced that he had prepared his will.
Charles Strange recalled his son’s words, “Something’s going on with the team. Somebody’s leaking things out. Something’s going on.”
Savage asked: “Your son knew he was being sent to his death?”
“They knew,” Strange answered. “They knew something was up. Every one of them.”
What’s even more disturbing is that the military claimed that the bodies were so badly burned that they had to be cremated, and they were cremated without the families’ consent.
Strange believes the military is lying.
“I saw Mike’s dead body,” he said in an interview. “It was clearly recognizable. He was clutching his gun. He wasn’t burned to a crisp. Why did they cremate my boy? They didn’t need to do that. Something’s not right.”
Rep. Chaffetz, who said he saw a photo of a deceased SEAL, believes the same thing. “The body I saw didn’t need to be cremated,” he said.
To add insult to injury, a Muslim cleric was allowed to pray at the funeral of the fallen SEALs in 2011, reciting words to the effect, “That the fallen seals should be damned and go to hell as infidels.”
Yet, America is told to be sensitive about burning the real infidels’ Qur’an, while it’s perfectly OK for our military to burn Bibles.
Perhaps, instead of the administration worrying about Edward Snowden’s revelations of its own violations of the Constitution, it should be a little more concerned with the real national security violations of men like Biden and Panetta, or maybe the American people should be concerned with the biggest national security threat to the United States, Barack Hussein Obama.
Learn more about Extortion 17 and what is being uncovered in Billy Vaughn’s book Betrayed: Exposing the High Cost of the War on Terror.
Article posted with permission from Freedom Outpost