Eyewitness to LaVoy Finicum’s Killing: All Gun Shots were fired by Feds as He had His Hands in the Air, Snipers in Trees – It was an Ambush
An eyewitness said that the shooting that took place on Tuesday that resulted in the death of Robert “LaVoy” Finicum all happened as a result of federal agents firing their weapons unlawfully. The woman claims that not one of the people who were stopped drew their gun. All of the bullets fired were from federal agents.
First, take a listen to Mark McConnell, who lists all the people who were in the vehicles when the stop occurred. He makes mention of an unnamed 18-year-old girl, who I’ll let you hear later in the article, who claims to have been inside the truck when the shooting occurred.
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He claims to have been the first vehicle stopped by several trucks. He was driving Ammon Bundy. However, after they were “secured,” McConnell says that the feds that detained them radioed ahead to detain the other vehicle, which LaVoy was driving. He estimated that they were about 200 yards ahead of him, when someone got out of the passenger’s side and that person “went to the ground… were handcuffed.”
Ryan Payne then drove away, but McConnell says that was not the smartest move. He wasn’t saying it to put him down, but just an honest assessment of what takes place when you do that. Why it would be considered an “act of aggression” though seems strange to me.
McConnell says that what took place once they were out of sight is only what he is piecing together from the story of Shauna Cox and Ryan Payne. He does believe Finicum was very passionate about what they were involved in and did comment that Finicum “charged” the feds, but the reality is that he could not see what took place at that time.
However, a young woman by the name of Victoria Sharp called a trusted friend, who recorded the conversation. She told him that she had been in the truck with Finicum. She may just be the woman that McConnell referenced in his video. Take a listen.
“All of them had like a laser on us, it was turn off the car, put your hands out the window,” Sharp told the interviewer. “So, he put his hands out the window so they could see he didn’t have a gun and he said, ‘we’re going to talk to the sheriff right now. Either you can put a bullet through my head right now or we’re going to talk to the sheriff.'”
Several others arrived with their weapons drawn and the men in the vehicle responded, “We have women in the car.”
“Get the women out of the car! Get the women out of the car!” came the call, according to Sharp.
She says Ryan Payne put his hands out of the window and attempted to speak to the agents who pulled them over. However, she also said that as soon as he put his head out of the window, someone took a shot at him, but missed.
“Oh they mean business, they are going to shoot us,” she said the Payne said in response.
LaVoy then exited the vehicle, according to Sharp, and LaVoy told the agents, “I’m just going to drive and I’m just gonna talk to the sheriff, or shoot me now or let us go.”
“Get out of the car and put your hands up,” was the response of the agents.
Payne then drove away. Everyone got in the floorboard, according to Sharp, as the agents unleashed a hailstorm of bullets into the vehicle. Apparently, LaVoy’s diesel truck got stuck in a snow bank. This is probably what McConnell references in his video about an attempt to possibly go around a road block that had been set up a mile up the road. More bullets were shot into the vehicle, according to Sharp.
Ryan Bundy was apparently shot in the shoulder sometime in the middle of this.
She then claims that LaVoy exited the vehicle with his hands in the air shouting, ” If I can’t see the sheriff, just shoot me then.”
“They shot him right there… they shot him dead, and after he was down on the ground, they shot him three more times, and then they bombarded our vehicle with bullets.”
Sharp claims the agents used gas on the truck several times. The woman claims that the media’s report of only three shots being fired is grossly inaccurate and she estimated that there were well over 100 shots fired, all by the agents. She also claims that though they were armed, not one of the passengers of the vehicle went for their weapon.
She also claims there were a lot of vehicles and that numerous lasers were targeted on each of them. It begs the question how any of them survived. Does anyone remember this incident in which 13 police officers shot 137 rounds into a car that left two dead?
“There were people in the trees,” she added. “It was an ambush set up, an ambush or something, cause it was snipers and people in the trees… We saw them. They were all pointing their lasers. I had like 20 lasers on me when I was getting out of the car.”
All of this occurred as they were on their way to a meeting with a constitutional sheriff to which they had been invited.
I believe we need pictures of the truck to validate the claims of the number of bullets shot. However, when considering who we should trust in all of this, remember that the FBI has not been known to have the best track record when using excessive force. From what we know of the Bundys and others, they have no track record of using force, but responding to it defensively. Exhibit A would be a look back at what took place at Bundy Ranch.
Finally, I’ll add this radio show from constitutional attorney, author and educator KrisAnne Hall who aptly points out that we must control that narrative of what took place. This was not a shootout, since only the feds actually shot their guns. This was clearly a setup.
You will also find KrisAnne’s commentary on what has been taking place in Oregon very informative as well.