Finished Agenda Or Unfinished Indoctrination?
Anti Fed Ed Warriors, book learning- regardless of reading for fun or knowledge, has long been a roaring success for most of us. For those with reading disabilities, quality education, rarely used anymore, was able to guide us through enjoying books, too.
I’m not here to lay out the entire history of how books have systematically removed by the CCSS Machine, or for that matter, Big Tech. We all KNOW that smart devices of all types are now the ‘tools of choice’ when it comes to ‘education’.
As we’ve seen, when Johnny and Suzy are hooked up to computers or any other type of technology device, their brains are literally becoming re-wired in their development. Too much screen time is bad for not only brain development, but eyesight and overall health.
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Yet, the CCSS Machine, Big Tech, and the current Administration, as well as all the ones before it dating back to former President Reagan, have put into place ways to not only remove textbooks and entire volumes of fiction, but to increase and accelerate on-line learning.
Especially in the name of COVID. Every COVID ‘relief’ package, Bill, Law, or program has embedded increased overreaches by the Federal government with FULL backing of the CCSS Machine and Big Tech. The goal? Tracking, tracing everyone of us, in school or in some way related to education.
The worst one? The ARP (American Recovery Plan).
This Congressional Bill, now a Public Law (117-2) is over 240 pages. It’s price tag for education, alone: $125 Billion for K-12 education AND $40 Billion for PreK/Child Care Centers. These federal funds are to be used to accelerate on-line access for learning (algorithms which slot students unfairly) due to the failure to educate because of COVID.
“Learning” is embedded 26 times in 117-2. Pages 17, 18, 19, 25, 50, 74, 96, 97, 112, and 114 lay out how at LEAST 20% of all the federal funds MUST go toward addressing the COVID learning losses for all ages and levels AND types of education. These funds also encompass ALL wrap around services and programs aligned to the ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act), especially in the areas of SEL (social emotional learning and behavior interventions).
Government employees and their families are included, our US veterans, adult learners and family (via literacy). What parts of the CCSS Machine will be in control? P3s (Public private partnerships), the federal government (especially through contracts and grants). And all to address the ‘learning losses Covid has caused’.
Warriors, the government is claiming epic failure in how Johnny and Suzy learn, but they have succeeded in doing precisely what the plan’s been all along (especially under the Every Student Succeeds Act): shift education to all on-line so everyone can be slotted, tracked, manipulated, and, trained for the CCSS Machine’s ‘competency based workforce readiness’.
Warriors, education was failing for students well before COVID, and the government was succeeding in usurping education well before COVID.
What’s “Unfinished”?
Warriors, I was recently a guest on an OR based national radio show where I was asked at what point would the CCSS Machine (aka: education demise) end. My answer was when the last child has been shackled to this system; the last adult; and, the last family. That is UNLESS, We the People STOP THIS AGENDA! If you don’t know the finishing point for all this education alignment, it’s to fit everyone in a government assigned ‘box’ of conformity for performance, not freedom of living your life as you see fit.
Who’s Helping Finish This Agenda?
Would you believe a former U.S. Dept. of Education Secretary?! Yes, Dr. John King of the Education Trust entity is helping spread the educratic manure far and wide for the accelerated/increased on-line learning of the ARP to combat the unfinished education so many are facing because COVID changed everything. Dr. King will appear as a guest of the Campaign for Grade Level Reading’s webinar on 4/13/21 for the ARP’s push for K-3rd on-line learning. If you want to register (free) to listen in, the link is provided above.
Education Trust is a non-profit centered on ‘educational justice’. In their eyes no greater injustice is happening than the amount of learning they perceive as NOT HAPPENING.
Education Trust is a true CCSS Machine member group. If you’ll remember, Dr. King’s on-line learning mission began in NY, where he was the overseer of education in that State.
Warriors, this older image of Dr. King shows what we see our current federal government channeling: take ‘my’ money and do
‘my’ bidding..or else!
Knowing that Dr. King was also the Secretary of Education under former President Obama, we also can see how the workforce readiness is also being folded into the COVID relief (see the page numbers above from the ARP).
What’s Dr. Cardona (current U.S. Education Secretary) doing for more COVID relief in education? Besides what you’ve learned that encompassed in the ARP, this recent Press Release shows that BOTH public AND private HBCUs (Historcially Black Colleges and Universities) are getting COVID Capital Forgiveness! What’s THAT? Taking federal funds of the HBCUs FOR infrastructure and building needs and repurposing it to student funding. In other words, unconstitutional funds used in more unconstitutional ways while opening up Pandora’s box for MORE taxpayer abuse OR P3 overreaches! Someone will have to offset this level of debt ($1.6 billion).

Other “COVID” Educratic Plans:
Warriors, here’s everything I have researched and exposed in the name of COVID and education. However, the ones seen below are of
special significance concerning what the ARP is doing to us, or about to do.
3) *While from the 116th’s Congress, this look at SEL needs to be consider through the current lens of COVID:
Article posted with permission from Lynne Taylor