Home»US»Former FDA Official: FDA Is “Purposely Hiding Facts” About COVID Vaccine Side Effects

Former FDA Official: FDA Is “Purposely Hiding Facts” About COVID Vaccine Side Effects

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David Gortler, the former senior adviser to the FDA commissioner for drug safety said that the Food and Drug Administration is “purposely hiding facts” about the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 mRNA shots.

Gortler was an FDA medical officer before being appointed by the Donald Trump White House as senior adviser to the FDA commissioner for drug safety, FDA science policy, and FDA regulatory affairs. He previously served as a professor of pharmacology and biotechnology at the Yale University School of Medicine, where he also served at Yale’s Bioethicist Center.

“It’s pretty clear today there are both safety and efficacy problems with vaccines and boosters,” in a column for the Federalist.  Gortler, who is also a pharmacologist, pharmacist, and an FDA and health policy fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center said that the FDA, the Centers for Disease Control, Pfizer, and Moderna have all known from the beginning about myocarditis and pericarditis risks from the mRNA vaccines.

While there are also many other adverse events reported in the tracking system run by the FDA and the CDC, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), no formal warnings have been made to Americans, such as labeling and letters to warn physicians, pharmacists, or the American public, said Gortler. –LifeSiteNews

“Why? One reasonable explanation is because it would counter the narrative that endless vaccines and boosters is your patriotic duty,” Gortler wrote. “But since Covid-19 vaccinations were mandated by the White House for all workers until the Supreme Court took action (they are still mandated for health-care professionals), and the fact that Pfizer and Moderna still have a federally granted liability shield, the duty of safety monitoring must fall under the auspices of the FDA.”

He said FDA officials “are still pushing a potentially risky vaccine by purposely hiding facts from the public.”

Article posted with permission from Mac Slavo

The Washington Standard

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