Former Pfizer Employee Turned Whistleblower: “It’s Time To Burn Pfizer To The Ground” (Video)
On Monday, former Pfizer employee turned whistleblower Melissa McAtee went on the Stew Peters show to demonstrate the criminal activity of her former employer.
“With the plandemic continuing to unfold, Big Pharma and the media’s fight to suppress medical and COVID-related data from reaching the public prevails,” she said. “The Israeli government and Pfizer agreed to delete data contradicting the COVID narrative.”
- Pfizer’s Quiet Warning: “Unfavorable Pre-Clinical, Clinical Or Safety Data” May Impact Business
- Office For National Statistics: Pfizer COVID Shot Increases Children’s Risk Of Death By 5,100%!
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- Pfizer’s Confidential Documents Confirm Their COVID Shot Could Cause VAED
Melissa also talks about the covenant between Pfizer and the antichrist state of Israel, and lots lots more she exposes that is going on.
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Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media