Frantic Plot To Push One Supreme Court Justice Out In Order To Add Another
It’s interesting to watch these politicians eat their own. Such is the case with the Biden/Harris administration. We’ve been told for years that “Trump caught them all” and blah, blah, blah, but they remain, not only do they remain, they continue to attack the People. This lawless regime, which exists because the alleged “good guys,” be their in Congress or in the previous Trump administration, don’t bring justice against those violating the Constitution. Now, they are gunning for their own Supreme Court Justice to be removed and to add another in before the 2025 inauguration.
They tried it with Merrick Garland during Obama. Now, they’re trying it again.
Daniel Greenfield has more on what is developing.
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Even during the Biden-Harris administration, some Dems were urgently muttering about the need to force out Justice Sonia Sotomayor the way that they had forced out Justice Breyer. The alleged issue was that Sotomayor had some possible health problems, but the real issue was that she was aging and they wanted a justice who could give them an added twenty years.
All they have to do is force out one “Wise Latina”.
What was a muted campaign is now a state of full-blown hysteria after Trump’s victory and the loss of the Senate. The odds of Dems being able to both boot out Sotomayor and force her replacement through the Senate are slim, but lefties don’t give up easily. They’re scrambling to figure out what it would take to convince Sotomayor to leave, what to offer her, including naming her replacement, and how to best rush the nomination through.
Some of the plans, like nominating Kamala, are clearly nonsensical and mostly useless. I doubt Kamala would even want the job (she would be completely unprepared for it also), nor is there any reason to think Sotomayor would step down specifically for her.
And at the moment the Dems are in a state of chaos that they probably couldn’t pull this off.
Even assuming they can get Sen. Manchin on board, after hounding him out of office, and get Sotomayor on board, what if Biden falls asleep in the middle of the nomination? Will Kamala nominate herself to the Supreme Court? And then cast a tie-breaking vote for her own nomination.
It would be truly historic.
That said, one thing the Biden-Harris admin did was stack the deck with a whole lot of radical judges. And they’re not done yet.
Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media