Home»Commentary»Greg Quinlan: Boys Beware Of The Sodomite Agenda (Video)

Greg Quinlan: Boys Beware Of The Sodomite Agenda (Video)

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“And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.” -1 Corinthians 6:11

Homosexuality is a sin, or transgression of the law. Not only is it against God’s moral law, but because our state laws were based on God’s law, it is also a crime against nature in the US despite what the united States supreme Court says. However, it continues to take hold in America because the people don’t enforce the law like it once was enforced. Greg Quinlan knows what it is like to face temptation from porn and from homosexuality. He lived in that sin for many years, even lobbying for the sodomite agenda. He was converted to Jesus Christ through the Gospel message and now advocates for the family and for aiding those looking to escape the same trap he was in. He joins me in this episode.

Visit Greg’s site: Garden State Families

Gregory Quinlan left the homosexual lifestyle in 1992. Greg was a gay activist for 10 years lobbying in Washington DC & Ohio for the homosexual agenda. As an LPN and then Registered Nurse he watched over 100 of his friends and acquaintances die of AIDS. He has shared his testimony on the 700 Club, TBN, countless radio programs and has been quoted in USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, WorldNet Daily among others. He has a compelling testimony of leaving homosexuality and boldly stands in the public square proclaiming that “Homosexuality doesn’t have to last a lifetime, Ex-Gays prove change is possible.” In February 2016 Greg’s testimony is featured in Charisma Magazine and in the 2015 video Light Wins.

Currently, Greg Quinlan is a minister and has been passionately debating the gay and anti-family and traditional marriage in 27 states including the district of Columbia.

Greg Quinlan is founder of the Pro-Family Network, was president of PFOX (Parents and families of Ex-Gays) and President of Equality & Justic for All). During the last 8 years, Quinlan worked as Director of clergy & governmental affairs for the New Jersey Family Policy Council.

He is co-founder of the NJ Living Free Ministries of NJ, where he assists those seeking to leave the homosexual lifestyle and offers support for families and friends who have been affected. Reverend Quinlan is a licensed minister with Solid Rock International church, and today he serves in Mountaintop Church Assembly of God in Mt. Olive, NJ where he is minister of visitation and where most recently is pursuing his credentials with the Assembly of God.

Mr. Quinlan has more than 35 years of experience of lobbying and governmental matters, and is a fiercely proponent fighting for the natural family since 1992. Gregory now seeks to serve the Lord through the Center of Garden State Families.

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Tim Brown

Tim Brown is a Christian and lover of liberty, a husband to his "more precious than rubies" wife, father of 10 "mighty arrows" and jack of all trades. He lives in the US-Occupied State of South Carolina, is the Editor at SonsOfLibertyMedia.com, GunsInTheNews.com and TheWashingtonStandard.com. and SettingBrushfires.com; and also broadcasts on The Sons of Liberty radio weekdays at 6am EST and Saturdays at 8am EST. Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on Gab, Minds, and USALife.
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