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How Long Can Christians Continue To Turn A Blind Eye To Israel’s Atrocities?

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The regathering of Israel that notable 18th-century Bible scholar Matthew Henry (and other post-Reformation writers) foresaw in his famous commentaries was a generation of Hebrews that would come to the saving faith in Jesus Christ, accepting Him as the Messiah that their forebears had rejected and crucified. (I diverge from the great Matthew Henry’s prophetic interpretations in Revelation Chapters 15 and 16.) The regathering of Israel that the ignoble false prophecy teacher Cyrus Scofield (1843 – 1921) described in his reference Bible was the rise of national Israel, which, according to Scofield’s disciples, was fulfilled with the creation of the Zionist state in 1948.

Tragically, the latter is the dominant view of evangelical prophecy teachings today.

I submit that if Matthew Henry had lived during the time of Scofield—and especially after the creation of Zionist Israel in 1948—he would have absolutely and positively rejected Scofield’s heresies (as did the great Charles Spurgeon, who was a contemporary of Scofield) and would have vociferously rejected the doctrine of Christian Zionism that was spawned by the notes in Scofield’s Reference Bible.

Matthew Henry never envisioned a bloodthirsty, murderous, genocidal state that would callously and without conscience annihilate hundreds of thousands—even millions—of innocent people, including many thousands of God’s New Covenant people, Christians, as being the Israel of God (Galatians 6:16). Nor could he ever have envisioned generations of his fellow Christians turning a blind eye to or even cheering on those who would commit such a horrific, heinous, inhumane slaughter of innocents.

What we are witnessing today has never been seen since the advent of Western civilization.

Obviously, there have been diabolical and demented mass killers before, but never have we seen Christian people—almost as a whole—excuse, defend, facilitate and actively support and assist the maniacal, murderous monsters.

Historically, Christians have been the most persecuted people of faith in the 2,000-year Church era. Our Christian ancestors knew the bitter taste of political, religious and civil suffering. And never did they allow themselves to indulge in the appetite for murder and aggression—even against their enemies. They were, after all, the disciples of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6); and they boldly proclaimed the gospel of peace. (Romans 10:15; Ephesians 6:15)

This is NOT the Christianity that we see today.

The last twelve months have unveiled a racist, bloodthirsty, maniacal Israeli society that looks at people of other races as nonhuman. They are described as animals. The babies born to their mothers are called little snakes. These killers recognize no law but their own—not international law, not Natural law, not moral law, not Biblical law, not even the law of humanity. They kill at will. Defenseless women and children are slaughtered like cattle. They celebrate death and destruction. They are willing to take the world into global nuclear war to achieve their goal of complete ethnic purging of the Palestinian people. They are wholly without conscience.

Yet, in the Christian West, we find abject apathy or even exuberant excitement for this satanic behavior. Our national government protects and defends it. Worse than that: It assists and facilitates this murderous madness by providing money, weapons of mass destruction, satellite surveillance, intelligence, etc., to the Zionist zealots of death.

Make no mistake about it: The United States of America is as culpable in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocents in Palestine as are the Israelis. So, too, are those Americans—including Christians—who in their hearts support Israel’s genocide.

One must understand that the disease of racial superiority being flaunted by the Israelis does not confine its self-acclaimed preeminence over the Palestinians only. In the minds of Benjamin Netanyahu and his fellow eugenists, every goy (gentile) is nonhuman and, thus, warrants any act of racial cleansing.

I’ll let former CIA intelligence officer Phil Giraldi pick up from here:

That Israel is now attacking United Nations peacekeepers in south Lebanon might well be decisive in turning its few remaining “friends” against it. Spain, France, Ireland and Italy, all of which contribute to the peacekeepers force (UNIFIL), and which continued to look the other way when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his band of war criminals committed atrocity after atrocity against Arabs, are now finding themselves mortified when European soldiers are being attacked and wounded by cannon fire from snipers and Israeli tanks. In one incident, Israeli armored vehicles smashed their way through the gate of a UNIFIL base, allegedly using chemical weapons that injured 15 UN soldiers.

It is not the first attack by Israel on United Nations personnel and it will probably not be the last as the Israel Occupation Force (IOF) has been de facto waging war against the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) in Gaza over the past year, targeting and killing its personnel and denying or blocking its largely humanitarian mission. And the United Nations is also a target more generally speaking. At his most recent visit to the UN in New York, the monstrous Netanyahu exhibited a new low even for him, shouting to a nearly empty General Assembly room that the UN has become a “swamp of antisemitic bile,” again playing his favorite tune that Israel is always the victim.

Inevitably, however, the Zionist fanatics in power in Washington are still motivated to ride the Israeli horse no matter who Netanyahu marks for death . . . mostly coming from Christian Zionist Republicans.

So where do we go from here? Sometimes recognizing that we have a problem can be the first step in coming up with a solution. To my mind, the rot started with President Harry Truman, who sold out to Jewish money and media power in the 1948 creation of the state of Israel, which real statesmen like Secretary of State George Marshall warned against. Some would put the betrayal earlier, with the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank in 1913. In any event, it is now counter to actual US interests to be so totally subservient to Israeli priorities. A good first step would be to require the constituent groups that make up the Israel Lobby to register as foreign agents under the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, which would require them to reveal their sources of income and their connections to Israel. It would also prohibit them from interfering in US politics. In addition, it does not make sense to send American Ambassadors and Emissaries to Israel who are far more loyal to Israel than to the United States, as the last several have been. Nor does it make sense to have a Jewish/Zionist Secretary of State backed up by a largely Jewish staff and White House cabinet to carry out diplomacy in the Middle East. Diplomacy is precisely what Blinken has not been doing and if he had any decency, which he does not, he would in any event recuse himself from involvement with anything having to do with Israel.

The unconditional ironclad pledge to defend a nation carrying out a genocide while simultaneously seeking to go to war with all its neighbors is a formula for initiating World War 3, which will kill millions of people. Indeed, Biden, who has been discussing with Netanyahu how to attack Iran, has now deployed to Israel a $1.15 billion Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile defense system to be manned by 100 American soldiers on the ground in Israel. The Washington Post is reporting that Israel has decided to attack military sites in Iran before the US election. This is just what Netanyahu wants as he will initiate a new conflict with Iran, Iran will retaliate, possibly killing US military based inside Israel, and bingo the US will be at war. In truth, the world needs less of a rabid dog Jewish state calling the shots as well as less of a corrupted and befuddled America dedicated to protecting the ravening beast. International lawyer John Whitbeck has described the current reality best: “By their venality, cowardice, moral bankruptcy and near-treason, the American political class is flushing a once great country down history’s toilet, and the Global West, if it does not liberate itself from domination by the Israeli-American Empire, risks a similar fate.”

At this juncture, I go back to the beginning of this column to point out that the acceptance of the devilishly inspired Zionist State of Israel by evangelicals—and the Israeli-owned politicians they elect—is the result of Scofield’s heretical prophecy doctrines that are now considered to be sacrosanct in most evangelical churches, schools, colleges, seminaries, publishing houses, etc. And the result of this acceptance by evangelicals has created the genocidal monster that is now slaughtering hundreds of thousands of innocents and is about to take America—and the world—into global nuclear war.

THIS is the legacy of Cyrus Ingerson Scofield.

Except for those who are supernaturally bewitched (Galatians 3:1), most everyone is now able to see and understand that Scofield’s Israel-based Rapture doctrine was NOT inspired by God. Instead, the Evil One has used this false teaching to capture both America’s churches and the American Congress.

As Jesus said, By their fruits ye shall know them. (Matthew 7:20)

The fruits of Scofield Rapturism, Christian Zionism and Israel itself are death, destruction, perpetual military conflict, civil unrest, mass murder, regional instability and, now, a very real potential for global nuclear war.

How long can Christians continue to turn a blind eye to Israel’s atrocities? How long will Christians be blinded by the fallacious prophecy doctrines of Scofield? How long will the voting public continue to elect and re-elect warmongering politicians who are owned by the Israeli lobby?

Absent an answer of No longer to the questions above, how long will America be spared the same violence and destruction that it has tolerated and facilitated by its unconscionable support for the violent, destructive State of Israel?

P.S. Last Sunday, I delivered my latest Prophecy Message entitled, Rapture Watching: A Dangerous, Deceptive And Destructive Doctrine.

Here is the DVD.

Here is the YouTube video.

Article posted with permission from Chuck Baldwin

The Washington Standard

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