Is Ukraine Destroying Evidence of US-Funded Bioweapons Program?
So, we reported on US bioweapons labs inside Ukraine, which should have come as no surprise, and the day after the report, all the documents from US government website regarding those labs were scrubbed, but we provided the archive to them. Now, the question is: Is Ukraine now destroying evidence of US-funded bioweapons program? It appears this may just be the case.
- Is Russia Actually In Ukraine To Take Out US Biolabs? (Video)
- 1 Day After Reporting On US Biolabs In Ukraine, US Embassy Scrubs All Ukraine Bioweapon Lab Docs From Website (Video)
Rhoda Wilson has the story at The Expose.
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Russia’s Defence Ministry says Ukraine ordered scientists to destroy samples of plague, anthrax, and other lethal pathogens at US-funded laboratories near the Russian border, RT reported yesterday.
“We have received documentation from employees of Ukrainian biolaboratories on the emergency destruction on February 24 of especially dangerous pathogens of plague, anthrax, tularemia, cholera and other deadly diseases,” read a statement from the ministry.
Russia’s Defence Ministry is analysing the documents for authenticity. “In the near future we will present the results of the analysis,” the ministry said, adding that it believes the documents will prove that Ukraine and the US were violating Article 1 of the UN Biological Weapons Convention.
On their Telegram channel, RIA Novosti, a Russian state-owned news agency, posted images of the documents published by the ministry which include: an order from the Ukrainian Ministry of Health to destroy the pathogens; and, lists of the germs in question. The images were accompanied with the comments (translated using Google):
“The facts of the emergency cleansing by the Kiev regime of the traces of the military-biological program being implemented in Ukraine, funded by the US Department of Defence, have been revealed, the Russian Defence Ministry said. Employees of Ukrainian biological laboratories provided documents on the destruction of especially dangerous pathogens of plague and anthrax on February 24.
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“The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation published an instruction of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on the destruction of pathogens and acts of destruction in the Poltava and Kharkiv biological laboratories.
“Russian Defence Ministry: The Pentagon has serious concerns about disclosing the conduct of secret biological experiments on the territory of Ukraine.
“The received documents confirm that in the Ukrainian biolaboratories, in the immediate vicinity of the territory of Russia, the development of biological weapons components was carried out.
“In order to prevent disclosure of the facts of violation by the United States and Ukraine of Article 1 of the UN Convention on the Prohibition of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons, the Ukrainian Ministry of Health sent an instruction to all biological laboratories to urgently eliminate stored stocks of dangerous pathogens.
“In the near future, the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation intends to present the results of the analysis of the received documents.”
The document images shared by RIA Novosti are in Russian, but one twitter user posted a translation of the covering letter and another twitter user translated, using Yandex, the remaining pages. Below are the translated images.

Presidential Decree KO64/2022
On 24 February President Zelensky signed a decree imposing martial law in Ukraine, beginning later the same day, “due to the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.”
To impose martial law, the measures and powers must be deemed necessary to ensure Ukraine’s “defence, public safety and state interests.”
The decree gives the regime the power to restrict the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens and the rights and legitimate interests of legal entities.
It is under this decree, martial law, the Ministry of Health “requested” the emergency destruction of biological pathogens.

US Funded Bioweapon Labs
Russia has been at loggerheads with the United States and NATO for years and Russia has accused the US and Ukraine of developing bio-weapons close to its borders numerous times.
During an interview in 2021 with the newspaper Kommersant Nikolai Patrushev, the chief security adviser to Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Moscow has “good reason to believe” the US is developing biological weapons along the borders of Russia and China.
Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, a Bulgarian journalist and Middle East correspondent, tweeted on 26 February that the US embassy in Ukraine had deleted documents from its website pertaining to US funded biolabs.
The US Embassy in #Ukraine has just deleted from its website all documents about 11 Pentagon-funded biolaboratories in Ukraine. I have published all these documents (now deleted by the Embassy) here and in the thread below
— Dilyana Gaytandzhieva (@dgaytandzhieva) February 26, 2022
Gaytandzhieva captured images in 2018 for an article she wrote titled ‘The Pentagon Bio-weapons’. In this article she embedded images showing details of 11 biolabs the DoD Defence Threat Reduction Agency (“DTRA”) funded in Ukraine, bordering on Russia. Continuing the thread of her tweet above she posted these images with the comment: “These are the documents which the US Embassy does not want you to see.”
Her twitter thread continued: “However, they have forgotten to delete this document from the US federal contracts registry which shows that the Pentagon is funding two new biolabs in Kiev and Odessa.” [see HERE]
“The reason why the US Embassy in Ukraine rushed to delete all the data from its website about the Pentagon-funded biolabs in the country is this USA Today article [read HERE]. It claims that there are no US biolabs in Ukraine.”
Further reading:
- Documents expose US biological experiments on allied soldiers in Ukraine and Georgia – Dilyana Gaytandzhieva
- US embassy just REMOVED all their Ukraine BIOWEAPON LAB DOCUMENTS from the website… Here they are…
- Ukraine: the New American War for Righteousness
- What Are Secret Us Bio-Laboratories Doing in Ukraine?
Consider that many journalists are saying that the Ukraine government is actually bombing it’s own buildings and people.
This might also be an attempt to hide the evidence, but I think we discovered the smoking gun in the previous documents the US government attempted to scrub.
It’s time we dealt with the tyranny in our own government rather than worrying ourselves with tyrants in other countries, and that requires that the People bring justice in this matter, as well as the other crimes those who claim to represent us are committing.
Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media