Home»US»Kentucky: School Cop Busted By Fellow Officers In Child Sex Sting, Attempting To Lure Underage Girl For Sex

Kentucky: School Cop Busted By Fellow Officers In Child Sex Sting, Attempting To Lure Underage Girl For Sex

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Boone County, KY — Officials with the Augusta Independent School district are working with authorities to root out potential abuse after a district police officer was caught attempting to lure a child for sex online. Augusta police officer Ryan Hill was arrested on Monday and immediately posted a $100,000 bond.

Like so many other child predators, Hill was caught in an online sting in which undercover officers pose as children online. Hill was recorded during the sting operation sending sexually explicit photos and texts to the undercover officer he thought was a child.

According to officials, the conversations lasted several days as Hill described all the things he wanted to perform on the girl. Highlighting his brazen above the law attitude, Hill even admitted to the undercover officer that he was a police officer.

After admitting he was a cop, detectives with the task force determined that Hill worked with the Augusta police department.

Hill, who only recently joined the department in August of 2021, was one of three officers assigned to the Augusta Independent School, according to police.

As TFTP has pointed out in the past, child predators are often attracted to positions of power which give them access to children. As he had only been with the school district for 5 months, his chances of multiple victims are lower but not impossible.

After he was arrested, Augusta police chief Charles Blackmar Jr. said in a statement that Hill is no longer part of their department “effective immediately.”

Blackmar told reporters that he and his officers are working with the school district to investigate the possibility of other victims.

Hill has since been charged with one count of unlawful use of electronic means to induce a minor to engage in sexual activities. Given the amount of his bail at $100,000, the contents of his messages with the undercover agents must have been extreme as similar charges would carry a bond nearly as high.

“The mere fact, in this case, we had an adult who was speaking unlawfully with who they thought was a 15-year-old female is something we won’t tolerate,” officials with the sheriff’s office explained. “No matter his background, and where he may come from, or what his profession is, the act within itself is something we’re going to investigate. If it materializes in an arrest, we’re going to place those people under arrest.”

Though Hill was arrested, it is highly unlikely that he will serve any time in jail. This system is set up in a way that it puts drug users and sellers away for far longer periods than those who prey on children — especially cops.

Just last year, we reported on the case of Benjamin Reinhart, a disgraced officer with Genesee County, who despite being caught up in a child sexual trafficking sting — just like Hill — he won’t have to go to jail and he won’t have to register publicly as a sex offender.

Reinhart was “sentenced” in September as part of a plea deal, to just five years of probation. The Genesee Human Oppression Strike Team, or GHOST, caught the officer in April attempting to lure a child for sex. He was on duty at the time.

Despite facing multiple charges, Reinhart was given a sweet plea deal for pleading guilty in August to a charge similar to Hill’s — a single count of using a computer to commit a crime and one count of misconduct in office.

Article posted with permission from Matt Agorist

Matt Agorist

Matt Agorist is an honorably discharged veteran of the USMC and former intelligence operator directly tasked by the NSA. This prior experience gives him unique insight into the world of government corruption and the American police state. Agorist has been an independent journalist for over a decade and has been featured on mainstream networks around the world. Agorist is also the Editor at Large at the Free Thought Project.
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