Home»World»Mask Off! Survivors Say ISIS Jihadis Demanded “Renounce Christ,” They Refuse – Slaughtered 29 Christians

Mask Off! Survivors Say ISIS Jihadis Demanded “Renounce Christ,” They Refuse – Slaughtered 29 Christians

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For those who just can’t seem to understand that battle here, it is between good and evil.  Islam is nothing more than a counterfeit to Christianity.  It is of the devil and the devil wants allegiance from everyone, including Christians, just like he did from the Christ (Matthew 4).  Now, eyewitnesses who survived an attack in Minya by Islamic State jihadis are saying that the murderers demanded that 29 Christians renounce their faith in Jesus Christ or they would be killed.  None of them did.

Mariam Adel, a young mother whose husband and nine of her relatives were killed in the attack in May, spoke from her hospital bed about the attack.

Adel recounts the story of how the jihadis attacked a bus carrying Christians to a desert monastery.  They opened fire with machine guns and then boarded the bus to murder any men still left alive.

Then, the terrorists ordered the women that remained off of the bus and took their gold jewelry and cell phones, claiming that they were “spoils of war,” just like Muhammed taught them to do in the Koran.

They also told the women to renounce their faith in Christ and convert to Islam, but the women would have none of it.

“Renounce our faith? Of course not,” Adel said of the women’s reaction. “If we had, they might have let us off the bus and treated us well. But we only want Jesus and we are confident he will not leave us.”

Mina Habib, a 10-year-old boy whose father was killed in the attack, also survived.  He said, “They asked my father for identification then told him to recite the Muslim profession of faith. He refused, said he was Christian. They shot him and everyone else with us in the car.”

“Every time they shot someone they would yell ‘God is great,'” he added.

This is how you can see the difference in Islam and Christianity.  One is obsessed with death, the flesh and totalitarianism.  The other seeks to take all thoughts captive to Christ and seek his glory throughout the earth by means of the Gospel message.

In a move that I completely disagree with, but is taking place, Bishop Anba Makarios, the top Coptic Orthodox cleric in Minya governorate, has said that Christians won’t take up arms and train to defend themselves because he says it could make them subject to further attacks.

“Some had previously accused the church of storing weapons, but the destruction of dozens of churches in different governorates across the country” in recent years “has proven conclusively that this is not true,” Makarios said.

“Terrorists did not find any weapons, or they would have immediately revealed them,” he added.  “If churches had weapons stored on their premises, logically they would have used them to defend themselves during attacks.”

Clearly, this is faulty logic for why the people should not train and arm themselves to defend one another.  Logically, if you stop those who are seeking to kill you, you won’t be faced with more attacks from them.

Consider a real American hero, Brett Felton.

He is a 28-year old Iraq war veteran from Michigan who also happens to be a Christian and is now helping to train fledgling Christian militias in an effort to fend off the Islamic State threat. Brett is not in Iraq serving our nation, but serving the Christians of Iraq. Our government even reached out to him after he was able to sneak away from his “study abroad” program and into Iraq, asking Felton not to fight and to return home as soon as possible.  But Felton chose to stay and to fight, anyway.

Felton loves the people he serves by training them and helping them to defend their people against these savages.  He’s even gone so far as to say, “To me, with the Christians here, it would be an honor to give my life helping these people here.”

Upon hearing what Brett thought about sacrificing himself on behalf of his brothers and sisters in the Middle East. CBS reporter Lara Logan uttered, “Imagine what it means to the Christians who have lost everything. To know that there are Christians who are willing to stand up. To know that they’re not just being wiped out without a fight.”

Though I believe God would have us obtain arms and used them defensively, I am also encouraged that when faced with the circumstances, these dear sisters were able to stand and turn down the temptation to renounce the Christ who gave Himself for sinners and glorify Him in the process.  Well done sisters! Well done, and may our God give you comfort as you mourn your losses.

Tim Brown

Tim Brown is a Christian and lover of liberty, a husband to his "more precious than rubies" wife, father of 10 "mighty arrows" and jack of all trades. He lives in the US-Occupied State of South Carolina, is the Editor at SonsOfLibertyMedia.com, GunsInTheNews.com and TheWashingtonStandard.com. and SettingBrushfires.com; and also broadcasts on The Sons of Liberty radio weekdays at 6am EST and Saturdays at 8am EST. Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on Gab, Minds, and USALife.
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