New York AG To Host “Drag Queen Story Hour” For Children – She Should Be Arrested! (Video)
This is simply criminal. Back when I was growing up, this would have been considered a crime known as “contributing to the delinquency of a minor.” And why? Because Congress admitted our laws were to be built upon the principles of the Bible, which tells us that it is an abomination for a man to dress as a woman and that sodomy which is where all this leads towards is also an abomination, and this behavior would be considered a crime. However, we are so backwards now that the New York Attorney General will host “Drag Queen Story Hour” for children.
The New York Sun reports:
Families are not only exposing their children to story hours but more risqué events featuring drag queens.
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New York’s attorney general, Letitia James, is taking a step back from prosecuting and litigating this weekend in order to host a “drag queen story hour” for New York City tots in the ultra-liberal West Village.
Sponsored by a nonprofit, Drag Story Hour NYC, and the New York Public Library, the event will feature drag queens reading books and telling stories.
“My office is proud to host a Drag Story Hour read-a-thon,” Ms. James wrote in an Instagram post promoting the event.
The participation of an influential elected politician such as Ms. James comes as drag events — billed as family-friendly — find their way to the center of the culture wars.
In a contrast to New York politicians’ embrace of “drag queen story hours,” Republican leaders in conservative states have sought to prosecute those who promote what they see as a form of sexual grooming of children. Democrats argue such claims are rooted in anti-gay and anti-transgender bigotry.
The popularization of drag events in libraries and schools — often paid for with taxpayer dollars — has led to families not only exposing their children to story hours but more risqué events featuring drag queens. A viral video earlier this month showed a young girl emulating a drag dancer at such an event.
All of this is nothing short of grooming. This is exactly what was communicated the sodomites in this country were working towards when one of their own penned “The Gay Manifesto.”
Letita Jackson should be arrested by those that claim they are law enforcers, but they won’t do it because they are truly agents of the state.
Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media