New York Cop Reaches Into Unarmed Man’s Car, Puts His Gun To His Head – Executes Him (Video)
Buffalo, NY — No one knows why James Huber, 38, decided to lead police on a high speed chase back on February 12 of this year and nobody will know thanks to New York state trooper Anthony Nigro IV. After Huber finally stopped, Nigro walked up to his vehicle and shot him twice after Huber refused to exit the vehicle. Huber was unarmed.
It would take the New York Attorney General well over a month to release the footage from Nigro’s body camera. After its release it prompted harsh criticism and an official investigation.
Huber’s mother, Loraine Huber told local media that she remains in shock after the death of her son and was speechless, saying only that she is waiting for the results of the investigation before she says anything else.
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According to police, on February 12, troopers attempted to stop Huber, claiming he was driving erratically. For unknown reasons, Huber did not stop and instead led police on a high speed chase, reaching speeds of more than 100 mph.
After exiting 1-190, Huber ended up in downtown Buffalo where he slowed to a stop before Nigro confronted him. As the video shows, Nigro confronts Huber with his gun drawn and begins ramming it into his head and body as he demands Huber “Get the f**k out!”
This was entirely against police training as putting a pistol against a suspect’s body easily allows the suspect to grab it which is why it should be kept away from the person.
“Get out! Get the f**k out!” Nigro orders, pointing his gun at Huber.
“Go away,” Huber replies, quietly.
“Get out!” Nigro repeats.
“No,” Huber says. “Nope.”
Nigro continues to ram his pistol into Huber’s head and shoulders before he says, “Get the…” and fires off two shots as he falls backward onto the road.
The car was apparently in reverse and after Huber was shot at point blank range and killed, no one was at the wheel to control it anymore. The vehicle then took off in reverse out of the view of the camera before we hear it crash off in the distance.
“7415. Shots fired,” Nigro says calmly, despite just taking a man’s life.
As Nigro begins running after the vehicle, we can now see that it has rolled onto its side in a driveway. Luckily, the runaway car didn’t kill anyone in the process.
“Get out of here,” Nigro yells to a passerby.
“Shots fired. Send an ambulance,” Nigro says.
“Driver’s been hit. I’m fine,” he calmly tells dispatch. Fine, after just executing a man at point blank range.
“You dumb ass,” Nigro says, insulting the dead man, he just shot.
A security guard then comes out and asks Nigro if “this is the one you were chasing?”
“He’s dead,” Nigro says.
“He’s dead?” the man asks.
“You OK?” the man asks.
“I’ll be good,” Nigro replies, still remaining entirely calm despite killing a man, just seconds prior — almost as if this was routine for him.
The video ends as fire and police show up and close off the scene. After its release, the Attorney General’s office said they put out the video “in order to increase transparency and strengthen public trust in these matters.”
They stated that “the release of this footage is not an expression of any opinion as to the guilt or innocence of any party in a criminal matter or any opinion as to how or whether any individual may be charged with a crime.”
According to the State Police Use of Force Policy, deadly force shall only be used by troopers to protect themselves or another person from an imminent threat of injury or death. There is a different threshold for a fleeing suspect that involves a warning when feasible. When watching the video below, deadly force does not appear to be necessary in the least.
Nevertheless, it appears that the state police have already made up their minds on this incident as Nigro remains on full active duty.
According to his obituary, James was a loving father, son, and brother, he is survived by his wife Amanda Huber, and his four children.
Article posted with permission from Matt Agorist