Not Surprising! Mockingbird Media Goes Into Psychotic Agenda Mode: Blames COVID-Shot-Related Heart Attacks & Strokes On… Climate Change
Remember all of the excuses the Mockingbird Media started giving and their acting as though they had no idea what was happening to young people, especially young athletes following them taking the experimental COVID shot and how they were falling over dead on the playing field and in other venues? Well, they continue to peddle the lie that heart attacks and strokes occurring in victims, yes they are victims, of the COVID shot are actually occurring because of Climate Change. You can’t make this up! But they are!
Ethan Huff has the story.
The latest excuse from the establishment for rising rates of heart attack and stroke is “extreme heat waves spawned by climate change.”
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A new study, we are told, links a surge in cardiovascular deaths to really warm temperatures, which apparently hurt people who are black and old at disproportionately higher rates than other demographics.
Instead of addressing the elephant in the room – Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines” – the paper instead talks a whole lot about the weather and “greenhouse gas emissions” as being responsible for about 5,500 excess cardiovascular deaths every year.
Even if the United States adopts many of the extreme global warming impositions being pushed by the globalists right now, it will only trim about 1,200 excess deaths off that figure, still leaving 4,300 excess deaths per year due to weather-related heart problems, the study insists.
According to the researchers involved in the study, everyone except white people – of course – bear the highest risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke due to bad weather, which means something has to be done to give them special treatment.
“The public health impact of climate change is falling on individuals who live on the margins of our society,” claims Sameed Khatana, a cardiologist and assistant professor at the University of Pennsylvania‘s Perelman School of Medicine.
“Any policy action or mitigation efforts really need to be tailored towards individuals who are most vulnerable.”
(Related: The next “pandemic” is likely to involve climate lockdowns.)
Is it extreme heat or COVID jabs that are killing the human heart?
An earlier model put together by Khatana and his colleagues at Penn claims that deaths from heart attack and stroke rise in direct relation to the number of “extreme heat days” that occur in a given year.
“Extreme heat days,” by the way, is defined as having a heat index – a measure of apparent temperature that is a product of ambient temperature and relative humidity – that is at or above 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
Using data collected from all 3,108 counties in the contiguous U.S. between the years of 2008 and 2017, the team claims to have found that the more really hot days there are, the more people are dying from heart issues.
By the year 2019, the so-called “experts” say, there were 54 extreme heat days per year, on average, resulting in about 1,651 climate-related deaths every year.
Keep in mind that this is a very small proportion of the overall number of cardiovascular deaths that occur in the U.S. every year. It is a mere drop in the bucket, relatively speaking, and points to an agenda that has been on the rise in recent years ever since Operation Warp Speed.
To keep a lid on the flood of heart-related deaths that have occurred ever since COVID-19 jabs were unleashed, “science” is desperately seeking some other alternative excuse to cover for this mass pharmaceutical genocide.
Warm weather has existed since the beginning of time. Not only that, but the world appears to be in a cooling phase right now rather than a warming one, so the “extreme heat” excuse is not all that compelling.
According to the climate-pushing media, extreme heat is an “unacknowledged disaster,” causing more deaths each year in the U.S. than any other weather-related event. Is this actually true, though?
Their proposed solution is to create new “heat officer” positions to patrol the streets in search of heart-destroying hot weather. These heat officers will then be tasked with communicating to the public the alleged risks involved with exposing oneself to hot days.
Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media