Of Those Who Oversee The Lord’s Flock Today, Only A Few Have The Courage!
“A time will come when instead of shepherds feeding the sheep, the church will have clowns entertaining the goats.” -Charles Spurgeon
What we have today is a bunch of goats and tares among the sheep, and because very little biblical church discipline is practiced (Romans 16:17;1 Timothy 2:5), they live among the sheep, they feed on the sheep, and they destroy the sheep (Jeremiah 23:1-2).
Those who are to oversee the sheep in the church are going to pay a high penalty for allowing the things that the Lord condemns (Jeremiah 32:3).
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In addressing the responsible party (Fathers and Mothers, congregants, etc.)… You will stand before the One who loves them, and because you did not have enough courage to stand up and confront the wicked in protecting them, the Lord will hold you accountable.
The average scenario in America, with regard to the churches by and large, is the word and commandments of men (Mark 7:6-7). They do not live by the rule of God’s government (Exodus 18:21-25; 20; Deuteronomy 4:6; 1 John 2:4).
Because the preaching of Christ crucified is not preached (Law to grace; Galatians 3:24), the church congregants (Romans 8:17), by and large, end up governing the direction of the church. Because the church overseer (John 10:12) doesn’t want to lose the great number of people, and because he has unscriptural ideas regarding repentance and true conversions (Acts 20:21), he then caters to the wicked in his church, and his little group of true sheep that belong to Jesus Christ are then sitting there amid all the entertainment, the worldliness, and the wickedness while the real sheep just want to be fed, to worship Jesus, and to be taught the Bible. How unlike the Patriarchs and those that have gone before us.
For this they will receive the greater condemnation, no doubt (James 3:1).
P.S. Good one to send to your local church overseers.
Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media