Packing Heat: Missouri Lawmakers Expand Gun Rights, OK “Concealed Carry Without Permit”
While so much of propaganda about gun control has been inundating the country and clouding the debate about the 2nd Amendment in effort to restrict firearms, the state of Missouri just surprised everyone by actually expanding gun rights!
The heavily Republican legislature just passed a bill in both the Senate and House allowing people to carry concealed without needing a permit, and without requiring training. Moreover, it reinforced the state’s Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground statutes.
via the NY Times:
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Missouri lawmakers have passed a sweeping expansion of gun rights in the state, one that would allow people to carry concealed guns without requiring permits and widen their right to stand and fight against perceived threats.
Under the measure, most people would be able to carry concealed guns, even if they have not completed the training currently required to obtain a permit.
The legislation would also expand the state’s “castle doctrine” by allowing invited guests, such as babysitters, to use deadly force against intruders. It would also create a “stand your ground” right, meaning people would not have to retreat from danger in any place they are legally entitled to be present.
Symbolically, Missouri essentially put up a giant “Come and Take It” in defiance of all those who would disarm Americans and usher in a crime-ridden, heavily bureaucratic and debased police state.
Of course, it has gun control advocates steaming, and attempting to argue that the bill will create more violence.
While many Democrats denounced it, Republican supporters of the bill described the measures as reasonable approaches to personal safety.
“To me, this is modern-day lynching,” said another Democrat, State Representative Kimberly Gardner of St. Louis. “This bill would allow open season for vigilante-style behavior and put all of us at risk.”
As of now, it is unclear if Democratic Gov. Jay Nixon will sign the bill, or veto it and force a legislative fight. But a message has been signaled, loud and clear.
Americans do NOT want to give up their guns, and will do everything they can to protect themselves in self-defense from anyone who would attempt to disarm them.
With so much of the country going eroding into liberal la-la land, this is one state that understands and honors the intent of the founders in framing the Constitution to empower ordinary citizens against criminals, both within and without government.
As the NY Times notes, the trend is swinging back towards free and open gun rights… a possible sign that gun control efforts, despite deep pockets and incessant appeals to emotion involving children and other victims of gun violence, have fallen on deaf ears.
Ten other states already have what supporters describe as “constitutional carry” laws allowing concealed guns without permits, including ones enacted this year in Idaho, Mississippi and West Virginia, according to the National Rifle Association.
No doubt that is why President Obama has resorted to using executive actions to impose gun control, and why Hillary Clinton is talking openly about using the executive pen to restrict rights, rather than even attempt to jam rights-restricting legislation through the Congress at the federal level.
Do you think this is a big win for the 2nd Amendment?
Article reposted with permission from SHTF Plan. Article by Mac Slavo.