Recipe For A False Flag: Military Mass Casualty Drills Happening Now (Video)
This happens all the time now. From 9/11 and the drill that was going on concerning the very scenario that took place that day to the drills during and right around mass shootings to the drills during Extortion 17, we’ve seen a huge rise in false flags. Now, a report is out pointing to the military conducting mass casualty drills that are happening right now.
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Spiro Skouras has the story at Activist Post.
The US Army just conducted a three-day exercise in collaboration with the New York City Police and Fire Department. The exercise simulated a nuclear and biological event on the NYC subway system and Yankee Stadium.
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Similar drills are scheduled for Philadelphia and Los Angeles in the coming months of September and October.
This raises concerns because the US Military has a track record for conducting experiments on the population using deadly pathogens without the population’s knowledge or consent.
Right now there is no proof that anything nefarious is taking place. But if history has taught us anything, it’s that government exercises and drills provide the perfect the cover to conduct covert and illegal operations. The same sort of cover a declared pandemic provides.
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Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media