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Term Limits: Treating The Symptom – Not The Disease
1. We already have term limits for U.S. Representatives & Senators – just vote them out of office. But we keep re-electing the same people! So, the people in the term limits movement seek to impose term limits by amending the Constitution to impose them. And somehow, this is supposed …
National Popular Vote: Goodbye, Sweet America
Our Constitution is under constant attack.1 One of the most pernicious attacks is being waged by those who seek to override the constitutional provisions under which The States, as political entities, elect the President; and to replace it with a national popular vote (NPV) under which inhabitants of major metropolitan …
Declaration Of Independence: Do Our Rights Come from God, the Constitution, the Supreme Court, or Congress?
The future of our Posterity depends on a proper understanding of the Source of our Rights. I will explain four views; show you which one is true, and why the other three are false and lead inexorably to the destruction of any country which embraces them. 1. Let us begin with …
Parental Rights Amendment: Congressmen Are Selling You and Your Kids Out to Big Government
If politicians introduced a bill mandating the slaughter of all human babies under the age of two years; but called it, “The Little Babies Protection Act,” establishment conservatives and unthinking people all over the Country would be clamoring for its passage. We have become a shallow and easily deceived people. …
The Development of Article V, U.S. Constitution, at the Federal Convention of 1787
Page numbers refer to the hard bound ed. of the Journal of the Federal Convention Kept by James Madison (ed. by E.H. Scott; R. R. Donnelly & Sons Co., Chicago, 1893). Hyperlinks to an online edition are also provided. Summary of the Dispute during 1787 The dispute was whether Congress …
The “Constitution Free Zone” is unconstitutional!
A “constitution free zone” is totally unconstitutional. What with Barack Obama’s “constitution free zone” and the Barnett/Levin/Natelson/Farris/Barton gang calling for an Article V convention to gut our Constitution or replace it altogether, our Constitution is under deadly attack. At Art. I, Sec. 8, next to last clause, the Constitution delegates …
Article V Propaganda And The Conspiracy Against Our Constitution
The “Convention of States” (COS) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page contains 989 words – none of them true – except for these which appear in the first paragraph: “The federal government is spending this country into the ground … It’s time American citizens took a stand and made a legitimate …
Balancing the Budget? Or Adding A National Sales Tax To The Income Tax?
The stated purpose of Compact for America, Inc. is to get a balanced budget amendment (BBA) ratified. Here is their proposed BBA. State Legislators recently introduced it in Arizona. 1 The gap between what this BBA pretends to do – and what it actually does – is enormous. It has …
Article V Convention: How “Individuals of Insidious Views” Are Stealing Our Constitution
Q: How are amendments to the federal Constitution made? A: Article V of our Constitution provides two method of amending the Constitution: Congress proposes amendments and presents them to the States for ratification; or When 2/3 of the States apply for it, Congress calls a convention to propose amendments. …
Mark Levin’s Liberty Amendments: Legalizing Tyranny
For 100 years, the federal government has usurped powers not delegated to it in our Constitution. What should we do about it? Should we reclaim our existing Constitution and put an end to the usurpations? Or should we “modernize” the Constitution by delegating to the federal government the powers it …