Posts Tagged
Financial Crisis

Plunging Manufacturing Numbers Mean That It Is Time To Hit The Panic Button For The Global Economy
We haven’t seen numbers like these since the last global recession. I recently wrote about how global trade is imploding all over the planet, and the same thing is true when it comes to manufacturing. We just learned that manufacturing in China has now been contracting for seven months in …

The Subprime Auto Loan Meltdown Is Here
Uh oh – here we go again. Do you remember the subprime mortgage meltdown during the last financial crisis? Well, now a similar thing is happening with auto loans. The auto industry has been doing better than many other areas of the economy in recent years, but this “mini-boom” was …

Financial Crisis 2016: High Yield Debt Tells Us That Just About EVERYTHING Is About To Collapse
Investors are rushing for the exits and we are starting to see panic on a level that we have not witnessed since the last financial crisis.

A 918 Point Stock Market Crash In Japan And Deutsche Bank Denies That It Is About To Collapse
In the days ahead, keep your eyes on Germany and Japan.

What Really Happened In 2015, And What Is Coming In 2016…
A lot of people were expecting some really big things to happen in 2015, and most of them did not happen. But what did happen? It is my contention that a global financial crisis began during the second half of 2015, and it threatens to greatly accelerate as we enter …

58 Facts About The U.S. Economy From 2015 That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe
The world didn’t completely fall apart in 2015, but it is undeniable that an immense amount of damage was done to the U.S. economy. This year the middle class continued to deteriorate, more Americans than ever found themselves living in poverty, and the debt bubble that we are living in …

The Pope Says This Christmas Is A ‘Charade’ And That For Some People ‘It May Be Their Last’
Pope Francis sure does say a lot of strange things. I don’t think that any other Pope throughout history has ever called Christmas a “charade” or has suggested that for many people this Christmas “may be their last”. What in the world would cause Pope Francis to adopt such an …

December 14th To 18th: A Week Of Reckoning For Global Stocks If The Fed Hikes Interest Rates?
Are we about to witness widespread panic in the global financial marketplace? This week is shaping up to be an absolutely critical week for global stocks. Coming into December, more than half of the 93 largest stock market indexes in the world were down more than 10 percent year to …

Guess What Happened The Last Time The Price Of Oil Plunged Below 38 Dollars A Barrel?
On Monday, the price of U.S. oil dropped below 38 dollars a barrel for the first time in six years. The last time the price of oil was this low, the global financial system was melting down and the U.S. economy was experiencing the worst recession that it had seen …

The Baltic Dry Shipping Index Just Collapsed To An All-Time Record Low
I was absolutely stunned to learn that the Baltic Dry Shipping Index had plummeted to a new all-time record low of 504 at one point on Thursday. I have written a number of articles lately about the dramatic slowdown in global trade, but I didn’t realize that things had gotten …