Posts Tagged

Gun Control

Is there any doubt left that Obama wants to completely destroy the right to keep and bear arms, and bind Americans to their own enslavement? Reactionary gun control efforts following San Bernardino are combining undue hysteria over firearms and terrorism into one mis-aimed issue that stands to trample upon the …

Back in 2011, we facetiously noted that innocent Americans were being added to terror watchlists and No-Fly lists at an alarming pace. So much so, we opined, that by 2020 every person in the United States would be deemed a terrorist and that the entire world would be on a …

OBAMA: Never letting a good mass shooting go to waste….. He wastes no time. The body count isn’t even in. But Obama has a knee-jerk strategy for shootings — whether it’s Fort Hood, Garland, Texas, Chattanooga …. he politicizes them to push for the unthinkable — gun control. He calls …

Only days after mass shooting at the community college in Oregon, President Obama said that the United States needs to follow the lead of Great Britain and Australia—nations that instituted large scale gun bans and confiscation after mass shootings on their soil. So would it work here? Maybe the more …

Following the recent Oregon school shooting, many politicians rushed to the microphones to call for new gun control laws. President Obama even called on gun control supporters to “politicize” the shooting, while some members of Congress worked to establish a special commission on gun violence. The reaction to the shooting stands …

Hillary is parading around the campaign trail with her new gun control initiatives; she’s already happily floating the idea that she’ll bypass Congress and pass gun control legislation with executive orders as president… and she’s not even the actual nominee yet (we know she will be, but still). One bit …

Here it comes, folks. On Monday the White House confirmed that President Obama was preparing to take executive action on what he views as ‘America’s gun problem.’ The President is looking to write a series of executive actions that he believes will help us little people control ourselves, seeing as how our legislature has …

When Obama was unable to get immigration laws passed through Congress, he simply spoke new laws into existence, something the Constitution only invests Congress with the power to do.  While that is tied up in court, he has basically commanded the DHS to stop arresting and deporting illegals.  Now, with …

When looking at the Democratic Party, one can see clowns on the left and jokers on the right. It doesn’t get any better in the Republican Party either. Because of this, America is witness to incessant “dog and pony” shows where the only accomplishments made by both parties and chambers …

Forward: If there is one thing that has become obvious when it comes to President Obama’s “fundamental transformation,” it is that there is without a doubt, an agenda to disarm American citizens and do away with the Second Amendment. Many Americans make the mistake of believing that this is Obama’s …