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Do you ever wonder if someone might come marching into your church one Sunday morning and start shooting? When I was growing up, I never even imagined that some mentally-imbalanced individual or a group of Islamic terrorists would ever attempt to attack a church service that I was attending, but …

Is there any doubt left that Obama wants to completely destroy the right to keep and bear arms, and bind Americans to their own enslavement? Reactionary gun control efforts following San Bernardino are combining undue hysteria over firearms and terrorism into one mis-aimed issue that stands to trample upon the …

The similarities between the jihad attack on our American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) free speech event last May in Garland, Texas, and the San Bernardino jihad slaughter are both striking and unnerving. Both events – our Muhammad Cartoon Contest and the San Bernardino Christmas party — offended Muslims. Both events violated …

Only days after mass shooting at the community college in Oregon, President Obama said that the United States needs to follow the lead of Great Britain and Australia—nations that instituted large scale gun bans and confiscation after mass shootings on their soil. So would it work here? Maybe the more …

Throughout the debate over guns in America, there are many different numbers and stats that can be referenced. But tonight we ask the question, is it true that more guns equals more crime? What about states that have concealed carry laws? Is gun crime in these locations lower than in …

During our many reports on the gun fight, we have uncovered a fascinating situation here in the city of Atlanta. Tens of thousands of guns have been confiscated by law enforcement. They are not being destroyed, and they also aren’t being sold back to the public. There are a lot …

After decades of berating Americans for their constitutionally protected right to bear arms, Europeans are finally starting to wake up. It took over a million Islamic immigrants and violence across their union to convince them, but it appears that they finally get it. In Austria, the scramble for self-defense firearms …

Have you ever felt as though there was no use in fighting a rule, even though you thought that the rule was wrong?  The rule might even be one that is unlawful, but it is not worth your time because you felt that the establishment was against you.  Well, this …

When Obama was unable to get immigration laws passed through Congress, he simply spoke new laws into existence, something the Constitution only invests Congress with the power to do.  While that is tied up in court, he has basically commanded the DHS to stop arresting and deporting illegals.  Now, with …

Another mass shooting in the United States creates yet another opportunity for our spineless president to push his left wing agenda. Riding on the backs of people needlessly murdered because of an irrational fear of allowing people to defend themselves, President Obama wastes no time and promises action on gun …