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jihad attacks

Before today’s Greece vs. Turkey friendly soccer match in Istanbul, both teams shared a moment of silence to honor the victims of the Paris attacks. UEFA, Europe’s governing soccer body, requested that all European international games hold a minute of silence before the start of their matches and wear black …

The most basic, primitive honor a nation owes to its dead is to fight to defend itself—to defeat the enemy and win. And yet the West won’t. The West is hanging on by a thread and doesn’t even know it. We are living off the fumes of the accomplishments of …

After the Islamic jihad massacre in Paris, French President Francois Hollande said the attacks were an “act of war,” committed by “a terrorist army, the Islamic State group, a jihadist army, against France, against the values that we defend everywhere in the world, against what we are: A free country …

Outrageous, but not surprising. The enemedia is aligned with the jihad force. As the jihad heats up in the West, the media is becoming more clumsy and desperate in its attempts to deflect attention away from the jihad and back to its favorite bogeyman, “right-wing extremists.” Now, even when the …