Posts Tagged

john boehner

Most conservatives have known for years that Boehner was not a true conservative, but a true politician.  He has shown us signs that this was the case.  He always put on a brave face, but caved when it became politically expedient to do so.  He has repeatedly abandoned his stated …

John Boehner must go. Will your congressman do the right thing? Congressman Mark Meadows of North Carolina is putting his political career on the line, sponsoring a resolution to “vacate the chair” that would fire Boehner as Speaker.  It’s imperative that you contact your member of Congress right now and …

I wrote back in March that John Boehner, according to his own State Constitution, should not even be in office. Sadly, too many in his own state, including the State’s Attorney General are to spineless to enforce their own constitution. Yet, in Congress we are hearing that there is an …

Two weeks ago in this space, I posed the question of why some think Hillary Clinton is unelectable as president due to crimes committed while serving as secretary of state, when the same pro-left media spin machine and gutless Republican leaders are on the scene now as in 2008, when …