Posts Tagged
ku klux klan

Black Suspect Arrested After Fake Hate Message Discovered Outside Predominantly Black Churches
Isn’t it amazing how the sodomites and the Muslims have engaged in fake hate crimes? Well it isn’t just among those who choose their perversion of sexual behavior or their demonic tenants anymore. No, now we’re seeing more faked crimes by those who want to play the victim and the …

Now the Marxists Are Digging Up the “Racist” Skeletons of the Confederacy… Literally – But Leaving Democrat Robert “Sheets” Byrd’s Name Intact in WV
For anyone paying attention, the all-out assault on the Confederate flag and the Confederacy as a whole, even by those who claim to be conservative, is an orchestrated attempt by the Obama administration and those aligned with them to finish what the tyrant Lincoln started. Now a southern city council …