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In a world that is becoming increasingly more dangerous, why don’t you start some new holiday traditions this year to take care of the ones you love? The gift of preparedness will be valuable well after the Christmas lights are taken down. In fact, some gentle nudges now might just …

Most Americans have absolutely no idea how incredibly vulnerable our electrical grid is, but Ted Koppel does.  For many years, Koppel was the level-headed host of Nightline on ABC, but now he is issuing a very chilling warning to America.  For more than a year, he investigated potential threats to …

While the world’s super elite prepare everything from stylish bunkers to emergency submarines, most couldn’t care less about their millions of employees should a widespread crisis strike financial markets or the economic system. There is, however, one notable high net worth exception according to a recent speech from Chairman Jonathan …

When it comes to “prepping,” many among the elite take things to an entirely different level.  As you will see below, the elite are willing to pay big money for cutting edge home security measures, luxury bomb shelters and superyacht getaway submarines. Some of the things that the elite are …

Millions of Americans were gearing up for some huge event to happen in September, but the world didn’t end and now many of them have given up entirely on prepping.  Of course, the truth is that some absolutely earth-shattering events did take place last month, but because September did not …

It is no secret that the world is teetering dangerously close to disaster. Saving the system may be impossible, even if the powers that be delay or diffuse the worst of it for some time to come. Most people have no idea what to expect if it comes crashing down. …

While the Obama administration and their mainstream surrogates maintain that the economy is growing at a booming pace, the reality of the situation is starkly different. According to a report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics some 94.6 million Americans (age 16 and over) are either not working or have made no …

After dragging the rest of the world into seemingly endless wars in the Middle East, policy makers and the major media outlets are now happy to flood the public with guilt-inducing reports about the refugee crisis now overwhelming Europe and threatening to undermine immigration policies throughout the Western world. Displaced …

Why are the global elite buying extremely remote compounds that come with their own private airstrips in the middle of nowhere on the other side of the planet?  And why did they start dumping stocks like crazy earlier this year?  Do they know something that the rest of us don’t?  …

Undoubtedly, those who prep already understand that most people are not even remotely prepared for disaster. Even a temporary power outage is enough to stir panic in the general population, who typically have less than three days of food and scant supplies for dealing with emergencies. Most will turn quickly …